Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Agents of Evolution

Sarah Deel

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2022, Volume 42


In this introductory biology lab, each student in a lab group is assigned an agent of evolution (natural selection, gene flow, mutation, or genetic drift) to investigate. Each student completes a combination of specific tasks related to their agent- these include some combination of readings in a handout, online readings, videos, and at least one simulation they manipulate (all online resources are free). This can be done before lab, individually during lab, or in a group during lab. Students then meet with their lab group and share what they’ve learned; each student serves as an ?expert? on their agent. As a group, students investigate a free online modeling simulation that allows them to manipulate multiple variables simultaneously. Students are asked to develop an experimental question, generate a hypothesis, and then test their hypothesis using the modeling simulation. The group work portion of the lab can be completed in approximately two hours. Student response to the lab was generally positive; students appreciated the chance to take an active role in the selection and investigation of an experimental question. We felt the lab was effective at teaching concepts and incorporating meaningful group work in an online situation, but could be used for in-person labs as well.

Keywords:  simulation, online, Evolution

Virtual ABLE (ViABLE) (2021)