Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Integrating GPS Technology and Gaming as Tools for Improving Spatial Intelligence

Trina Halfhide, Luke Rostant, and Georgette Briggs

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2022, Volume 42


We developed an interactive assessment-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) lab exercise for students enrolled in a Fundamentals of GIS course in an Environmental Science and Sustainable Technology (ESST) program. This lab exercise includes a GIS software data manipulation component and an active outdoor component – a Tree Hunt. Using Global Positioning System (GPS) enabled devices, students compete in independent groups to navigate to the trees via the GPS units. This combination of in-class and outdoor independent activities, facilitates active learning and requires students to draw upon and apply previously learned knowledge and skills in the form of a game. Overall, students can improve their critical thinking skills and develop increased spatial visualization skills. We provide an example of the lab and present alternative applications that can replace or supplement the use of a GPS unit for this activity.

Keywords:  active learning, GPS, GIS software, spatial intelligence, gaming

Virtual ABLE (ViABLE) (2021)