Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Incorporating digitized natural history collections data into virtual ecology and evolution course-based research experiences

Cecily D. Bronson, Carly N. Jordan, and Janice L. Krumm

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2022, Volume 42


Biological Collections in Ecology & Evolution Network (BCEENET) is a community of undergraduate educators, natural history collections professionals, education experts, and data experts that supports the development and implementation of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) in ecology and evolution, using freely available data from digitized natural history collections (dNHCs). In summer 2020, BCEENET members built four highly adaptable dNHC CUREs that can be implemented in introductory and advanced courses, over 4-16 week timespans. They can also be implemented entirely online, hybrid, or in person, broadening the range of institutional types able to offer CURE experiences. The CUREs can be implemented at low or no cost as they require only internet access and computers, and they make use of open source analysis tools and open access educational materials.

Keywords:  undergraduate research, CURE, digital data, digitized natural history collections, big data

Virtual ABLE (ViABLE) (2021)