Association for Biology Laboratory Education

A Kinesthetic Approach to Exploring the Levels of Protein Structure

Lisa M. Flick

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2022, Volume 42

Supplemental Materials:


The four levels of protein structure/folding is an abstract concept that many students have difficulty describing. Even students that memorize descriptions of each level often struggle with the application of this idea and the implication of mutations on protein function. This activity allows students to use a hands-on approach to construct a protein model with primary, secondary, and tertiary structure using components from the 3-D Molecular Designs Amino Acid Starter Kit. Students complete a workbook-style handout that reviews important topics such as functional groups and polarity. The final part of the exercise asks students to apply their knowledge to see how their protein would change if a particular mutation occurs. In this presentation, participants will watch a video demonstration of the laboratory activity and discuss data from students and faculty showing how the use of this exercise has improved student understanding of this topic. This activity would be appropriate for use in an introductory biology or biochemistry course.

Keywords:  mutation, protein folding, model building

Virtual ABLE (ViABLE) (2021)