Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Demystifying Concept Mapping: Applications in Teaching Lab and Lecture of Introductory Biology and Anatomy and Physiology

Peter J. Park and K. Emma Emanuel

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2022, Volume 42

Supplemental Materials:


Concept mapping is the practice of visualizing knowledge using a diagrammatic and hierarchical structure of concepts linked by labelled lines. Growing evidence indicates that concept mapping is a powerful yet underutilized technique to evaluate student learning as formative and summative assessments of concept mastery and lab competencies. Either by constructing concept maps independently or reviewing pre-constructed concept maps, students can learn challenging biology concepts in flexible, efficient, and adaptive ways through concept mapping. In addition, concept maps prevent reliance on rote memorization and can be used to identify misconceptions and gaps in knowledge. In practice, concept mapping can be employed extensively in lab and in lecture. This workshop will utilize a popular, free concept mapping software program (Cmap, to demonstrate, construct, and review concept maps in biology teaching. Best teaching practices of concept maps as pre-lab assignments and/or post-lab summaries will be discussed. A variety of topics typically covered in Introductory Biology and Anatomy and Physiology labs will be explored (e.g., General Chemistry, Organelles, Mitosis and Meiosis, Chordate Evolution, Tissue Types, Muscular System, Special Senses). An extensive library of ready-to-use concept maps spanning a much wider range of content, constructed by the presenters, will be provided as a supplement.

Keywords:  concept mapping, anatomy

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