Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Increasing Scientific Literacy Through Hands-on Laboratory Work Guided by Journal Club Discussions

Nitya Bhaskaran, Rosie Albarran-Zeckler, and Dawn Eastmond

Advances in Biology Laboratory Education, 2022, Volume 42

Poster file:


Our goal is to stimulate undergraduate students, particularly from underrepresented backgrounds, at 2- and 4-year institutions to pursue scientific research by developing their science literacy and critical thinking skills. To this end, we hosted a series of guided journal club workshops (JCW) run by near-peer mentors (graduate students). Traditional journal clubs serve as a way for well-versed scientists to discuss and stay current in their research. However, undergraduate students often find themselves underprepared to fully participate in these discussions. The JCW takes students through the fundamentals of reading scientific literature, experimental design, and the scientific method using a collaborative and mentored skill-building learning approach. The format of the JCW allows the student to: (1) gain content knowledge in various fields of biomedical research; (2) interact and network with graduate student role models and build relational capacity; (3) get hands-on experience related to methods discussed in the literature, and (4) practice both written and oral scientific communication skills. As a final project, participants reflect on their next steps to learn more about the field and pursue research. Through various assessment tools, JCW participants report great satisfaction with the program and increased confidence in discussing complex scientific concepts.

Keywords:  scientific literacy, journal club

Virtual ABLE (ViABLE) (2021)