Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Making and Using Computer Animations to Teach Biology

Alan W. Day and Robert L. Dean

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 1994, Volume 15


Complex scientific processes and topics are much easier to visualize and understand when presented as continuous events with dramatic and colourful 2D and 3D graphics and animation. The authors have developed over 60 animation lessons on many of the important processes of molecular biology (e.g., DNA replication, cloning, sequencing, PCR, site-directed mutation, intron removal, etc.), cell biology (e.g., nerve and muscle action, photosynthesis, voltage-gated ion channels, electron transport in mitochondria, G proteins, etc.) and genetics (e.g., Mendelian genetics, translation, spontaneous mutation, tetrad analysis, mitotic recombination, gene conversion, Holliday model, etc). Each animation provides a detailed 15–20 minute lesson with striking graphic images to make the material interesting and memorable. Student response to use of these animations in lectures and labs as well as for self-study has been enthusiastic and we have noticed a marked improvement in their comprehension of basic processes. Lecturers can quickly learn and use animation software to make their own animated lessons.

Keywords:  animation

University of Toronto (1993)