Association for Biology Laboratory Education

A Study of Gene Linkage and Mapping Using Tetrad Analysis in the Fungus Sordaria fimicola

Jon C. Glase

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 1995, Volume 16


This laboratory focuses on some aspects of spore color determination in the fungus Sordaria fimicola. Tetrad analysis of asci from a cross between strains mutant for two spore color genes is used to determine if the genes are linked and to map the location of each gene relative to the centromere. This laboratory is logistically simple and inexpensive, the data are relatively easy to collect, and the analysis facilitates a good understanding of meiosis and Mendel’s principles of inheritance. Alternate approaches to the use of this laboratory are discussed.

Keywords:  genetics, independent assortment, meiosis, fungi, linkage group, spore color, segregation, gene-centromere mapping

Emory University (1994)