Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Computer Simulations of Basic Neuronal Function

Maggie Haag

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 1995, Volume 16


This laboratory utilizes two user-friendly computer programs from Neurosim (Biosoft, Cambridge, U.K.) that demonstrate various aspects of electrophysiological functions of neurons without sacrificing experimental animals. One program simulates passive conduction in a long length of axon while the second program simulates the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for the production of an action potential. While these programs allow students to try experimental manipulations that parallel those done in real electrophysiological experiments (changing ionic concentrations or voltage stimulus, effects of various drugs, etc.) it also allows them to change some of the inherent properties of neurons, such as membrane resistance and axon resistance. This enables one to see how neurons of different physical characteristics differ in their electrical behavior. This laboratory is suitable for students of varying backgrounds.

Keywords:  neurons, computer simulation, biphasic action potential, axon, neurophysiology, conduction

Emory University (1994)