Enhancing Your Biology Course and Lab WWW Pages with the Latest in HTML, CGI, and JavaScript Features
Glenn MacDougall and Glenn A. Bauer
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 1998, Volume 19
This workshop directed at individuals with basic htm and web page construction experience, demonstrates how to enhance your course webpages. We will demonstrate techniques in a platform independent manner such that you can add tutorials, quizzes, embedded sound, video, image maps and JavaScript to your course homepages. We will discuss the potential and limitations of enhanced webpages and the basic differences between the Internet and your own campus Intranet. We will show how to optimize your pages for delivery in either situation. Templates, and evaluation copies of current shareware applications will be given to participants and will be used during the session to prepare web pages. This session, while not advanced, is not really appropriate for individuals who have little or no background in web page construction.
Keywords: HTML, World Wide Web, CGI, Java
University of Calgary (1997)