Association for Biology Laboratory Education

An Introduction to DNA: Spectrophotometry, Degradation, and the ‘Frankengel’ Experiment

William Clark and Kimberley Christopher

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2001, Volume 22


In this laboratory students perform three exercises as an introduction to the basics of handling and analyzing DNA. In the first, they expose circular plasmid, linear phage, and high molecular weight genomic DNA samples to a variety of physical, thermal, chemical, and enzymatic conditions that might be expected to affect DNA integrity. The DNA’s are analyzed by electrophoresis on a group agarose gel. In the second, they pour and reconstruct a “Frankengel” (a gel containing sections with three different agarose concentrations) on which they run a DNA ladder in order to investigate the effect of gel pore size on DNA fragment mobility. In the third, they perform an UV spectrophotometric analysis of DNA from which they learn to make purity and concentration estimates.

Keywords:  spectrophotometry, agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA

Clemson University (2000)