Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Birdsong Playback as a Tool for Teaching Animal Behavior

Jerry A. Waldvogel

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2001, Volume 22


Animal behavior is often downplayed in general biology labs. Problems include where to deal with the topic in the syllabus, time constraints and special equipment needs, and the unpredictable nature of behavioral responses. Birdsong playback offers a solution to these problems. Birdsong relates well to several important conceptual areas of biology. Its acoustic features can be investigated easily using desktop computers, and it is a fairly reliable behavioral response obtainable in the field. This lab provides general background information about birdsong, explores the structure of birdsong using acoustic analysis computer software, and offers field experience in playback techniques.

Keywords:  ecology, behavior, field methods, birds, birdsong, communication

Clemson University (2000)