Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Preparation and Presentation of Biology Laboratory Class Materials Through WebCT®

Terry Combs

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2001, Volume 22


An introduction to optimizing materials for web presentation: postscripting to PDF, animated graphics, still graphics, font type and size. These materials, among others, are used to demonstrate the creation of a WebCT© course site. WebCT© is a server-based course management software application. Through a very specific (and thoroughly, yet simply explained) set of steps, faculty place html, text files, graphics files, etc. into what is essentially an on-line course. That ‘course’ allows you to place your study materials and outlines on the web, create self-testing and scoring for individual materials, give quizzes and exams, search your own glossary, keep an on-line calendar that links to files or sites inside or outside your course, keep track of grades, assign each of your students email capability, run chat rooms, publish a bulletin board, and allow you to track students’ study time and materials. All creation work and student participation can be done wherever there is a browser and WWW access.

Keywords:  course management system, Web CT, Blackboard, course, online, pdf, jpeg, gif

Clemson University (2000)