Association for Biology Laboratory Education

The Use of Interactive Web-Based Courseware in Intro Biology

Corey A. Goldman

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2001, Volume 22


This hands-on workshop introduced participants to three interactive Web-based exercises that complement the laboratories and lectures in introductory biology at the University of Toronto. • The Evolution of Cooperation introduces game theory and its application to animal behavior. • Saving the Whooping Crane applies principles of population growth to management of an endangered species. • In the Optimal Foraging Game students learn how animals feed efficiently in patchy habitats. These exercises are freely available for anyone to use via the course’s Web site. They have been developed for BIO150Y in collaboration with Michael Dennison and Alejandro Lynch of Hopscotch Interactive Inc. (; funding was provided from the University of Toronto’s Information Technology Courseware Development Fund and the departments of Botany and Zoology.

Keywords:  foraging activity, population, cooperation, game theory

Clemson University (2000)