Association for Biology Laboratory Education

A Guided Inquiry in a Computer-based Biology Lab

Phyllis S. Laine and Linda J Heath

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2002, Volume 23


Computer technology is used by the research teams of 3-4 students to search for background information for the guided inquiry, organize this information into a concept map, complete an electronic template (the TLNB: Team Lab Notebook), and analyze data with Microsoft Excel. A computer projection system is used to present their findings to the other teams. This format can be adapted to do open and guided inquiry laboratories in biology for both the major and non-major student. In addition it can be used to introduce the students to science journal writing for a class electronic journal. An entire course and laboratory manual was developed using this approach with funds from NSF Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement grant DUE # 9950373.

Keywords:  guided inquiry, cooperative groups, concept mapping

University of Chicago (2001)