The Case of the Pilfered Plants: Biotechnology (and More) Using an Interactive CD-ROM
Steven D. Clark, Deborah M. Langsam, and Linda M. Simpson
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2002, Volume 23
The primary goal of this mini-workshop was to give participants an opportunity to test an instructional module in biotechnology. The module, which can stand alone or be accompanied by hands-on laboratory exercises, was developed for a college-level introductory biology course and takes the form of an interactive CD-ROM-based case study in forensics. Among the module features: an on-line laboratory notebook; detailed explanations and interactive animations illustrating laboratory techniques for chromatography, PCR, blood typing, and fiber analysis; and a “crime” that doesn’t involve murder or rape, but which serves as a springboard for discussions of rainforest destruction, genetic engineering, and animal rights issues.
Keywords: forensic science, forensics, polymerase chain reaction, chromatography, biotechnology
University of Chicago (2001)