Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Introductory Modeling: The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Change

Catherine Teare Ketter and Jill Goldstein

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2003, Volume 24


Models represent a simplification of systems observed in nature. Researchers use models to investigate complex processes that would be infeasible to study simultaneously or in one lifetime (or under one grant!). In this workshop we will present an introduction to dynamic steady-state directed graph models (a.k.a. quantified box and arrow diagrams) and associated analysis tools. After analyzing a small-scale carbon flow model of an intertidal oyster reef, we will consider a model of the global carbon cycle. Additional descriptive models will be provided to investigate the potential effects of human activity on the carbon cycle and resulting change in global climate.

Keywords:  climate change, carbon cycle, modeling

Louisiana State University (2002)