Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Scientific Journal Writing for Dummies: An Approach to Teaching Scientific Writing to First-Year Biology Majors in An Introductory Lab

Kelly Bohrer

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2004, Volume 25


In 1996, the University of Dayton Biology Department collaborated with the “Write Place” (a campus resource to enhance writing competency across the curriculum for students) to change the biology department’s curriculum for teaching scientific writing to undergraduate students. Three components for developing an integrated writing program were identified and implemented within the biology labs. In this writing program, students are introduced to scientific writing in their first introductory biology lab via a variety of methods. In the second introductory lab, biology students write two papers. The TA is the main editor (and teacher) through the process of writing the first paper; students act as anonymous reviewers for each other for the second paper. For both papers, we solicit the help of senior biology majors to work as biology writing tutors. Each year the writing component of the introductory labs is evaluated by the students and the TA’s, and the gain in student knowledge is assessed so that future changes can be made to enhance the pedagogy. Evaluation results indicate that this model of teaching scientific writing in introductory labs is effective and meets the component goals set forth by the biology department and the “Write Place.” Nevertheless, we will continue to evaluate and assess the curriculum and, if necessary, will continue to tweak our scientific writing teaching methods to better suit the needs of our biology majors.

Keywords:  writing

University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2003)