Bioenergetics: Energy flow, secondary production, and ecological efficiencies of Madagascan cockroaches
Sheryl Shanholtzer
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2005, Volume 26
This lab exercise tests the ecological principle of energy flow in a laboratory setting using roaches as an experimental secondary producer. Energy use is measured by respiration, energy storage by growth, and energy input as ingestion minus feces. The laws of thermodynamics state that energy intake should equal energy output; accuracy of measurements can therefore be determined. Growth rates, respiratory rates, and ingestion rates can be compared for different size classes. The exercise lasts four weeks allowing students to take part in a structured research project in which they must handle data and compare results to their own hypotheses and values found in the literature.
Keywords: ecology, energy flow, respiration rate, bioenergetics, secondary production, ecological efficiencies, ingestion rate, growth rate
Bowling Green State University, Ohio (2004)