Interactive Computer Keys: Tools for understanding biodiversity
Mandy Heddle
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2005, Volume 26
International concern about the loss of global biodiversity requires that understanding organism diversity be a high priority in biology labs. Instead, systematics, taxonomy, and biodiversity are often a small part of the curriculum, if included at all. One cause of this disparity is that students and teachers are often frustrated when using dichotomous keys to identify organisms. Confusion may stem from inexperience with the characters used in the key or because the key itself is inaccurate or unclear. This exercise has students create two kinds of keys: a dichotomous key and an interactive key designed on the computer. Students test and compare the two keys and investigate the limitations and advantages of each. Students learn how to create their own key, learn the differences between natural and useful classifications, and gain experience in precisely defining their observations.
Keywords: taxonomic key
Bowling Green State University, Ohio (2004)