Effects of drugs on pulsation rate of blackworms (Lumbriculus variegatus)
Kelly E. Bohrer
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2006, Volume 27
In this investigative lab, students observe blackworm pulsation rate in normal conditions and observe how pulsation rate is affected by drugs. This lab stresses the circulatory system, but can also be used for homeostasis, behavior, toxicology, and nervous system labs. Part I guides the student through blackworm handling procedures and initial observations of the blackworm’s behavior and circulatory system. Part II is a student-led investigation in which the students design and run their own experiments to test drug effects on pulsation rate. The students write their investigations as an informal report and orally present their design, results, and conclusions.
Keywords: blackworms, Lumbriculus variegatus, pulsation rate, circulatory system, blood vessels
Virginia Tech (2005)