Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Adapting Laboratory Curricula for Visually-Impaired Students

Jane E. Caldwell & Kristi Teagarden

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2007, Volume 28


At West Virginia University (WVU) we have adapted our General Biology lab exercises to accommodate several blind students. Upon reflection, we found that most standard lab exercises have a strong visual orientation, and some processes (e.g. mitosis) that are mainly explained through diagrams are difficult to understand from a verbal description alone. To address this problem we developed tactile models and developed Braille-labeled “manipulables” that allow blind students to make their own observations with the help of “seeing-eye student” assistants. We describe the models we have created and the way we have accommodated visually impaired students at WVU.

Keywords:  visual disability

Purdue University (2006)