Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Teaching the Teacher: Introducing and Training TAs in Inquiry–Based Learning Methods

Kelly Bohrer, Alma Ferrier, Dan Johnson, & Kristin Miller

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2008, Volume 29


In this these workshops, participants learned methods, tools, and resources used for training teaching assistants (TAs) to be more effective teachers. In the morning, training strategies were demonstrated which help TAs conceptualize and experience inquiry, develop and deconstruct inquiry-based labs, practice using inquiry-based learning strategies in lab, and reflect upon outcomes of an inquiry lab experience. In the afternoon, facilitators led focus groups to develop strategic plans for a specific TA training topic or issue. Topics were 1) teaching professional ethics and responsible conduct, 2) evaluating TAs, 3) international TAs, and 4) increasing TA and student engagement in labs.

Keywords:  inquiry method, teaching assistants, teaching, evaluating

University of Kentucky (2007)