Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Internet Instruments (Videos, Animations, Simulations, and Assignments) That Can Be Used to Prepare Students for Laboratory, Test Understanding, or Extend the Laboratory Experience

Niedzlek-Feaver, M. & B. L. Black

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2010, Volume 31


In the Fall of 2008, an on-line laboratory component was added to the distance version of Introductory Biology at North Carolina State University (NCSU) that treats cell and developmental biology so that students could earn full credit for the course without attending campus laboratory sessions. The laboratory was extremely well received by students. Since much of the success of the distance lab rested on the instruments developed for on-line delivery such as videos, animations, simulations, we wanted to share the more instructor-modifiable animations and simulations with the ABLE audience. All programs are copyrighted by NCSU, but can be modified and used as needed, as long as NCSU’s contribution to your final product is acknowledged. Please email us and let us know how you are using the programs so we know how to modify the programs in the future to make them more useful resources for instructors. We will graciously acknowledge, and thank you, for any feedback received. Instructor’s

Keywords:  simulation, laboratory instruction, animation

University of Delaware (2009)