Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Eggheads: An Alternative Mendelian Genetics Model Organism

Janice Bonner

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2011, Volume 32


Although numerous organisms can be used to teach basic Mendelian genetics, many of them pose problems. Eggheads, a teaching tool adapted from Journal of College Science Teaching (Beals, 1994), present an alternative to standard Mendelian organisms because they can be adapted to the conceptual understanding of students. To prepare Eggheads, various features are drawn onto plastic eggs to represent different patterns of inheritance. A set of 100 Eggheads constitutes the F1 generation. The goal for students working with the Eggheads is to correctly explain the mode of inheritance shown by each feature, while demonstrating familiarity with standard genetics vocabulary.

Keywords:  Mendelian genetics, introductory genetics, model organism

Dalhousie University (2010)