The Role of Feeding Adaptations in Resource Competition between Invasive and Native Clams
Douglas S. Graber Neufeld & James M. Yoder
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2011, Volume 32
This laboratory allows students to investigate the feeding architecture of gills as an adaptation which may allow invasive clams to more successfully take advantage of local food resources, and thereby displace native clams. Students measure clearance rates in an invasive (such as Corbicula sp.) and a native clam (such as a unionid species) for two potential food items–algae and bacteria. The ability of these clam species to clear relatively large (algae) and/or small (bacteria) items is correlated with the measured spacing between cirri on gills. In addition to gaining experience in carefully controlling experimental design, participants refine skills in pipetor operation, microscopy, dissection and spectrophotometry.
Keywords: competition, invasive species, bivalve, clam
Dalhousie University (2010)