Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Investigation of E. coli in Freshwater Sources Using Membrane Filtration and Rep-PCR DNA Fingerprinting

Joanna R. Klein

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2011, Volume 32


Escherichia coli is a common indicator bacterium for fecal contamination and testing for E.coli levels is a measure of recreational freshwater quality. In this multi-component laboratory activity for detection and identification of E. coli, students use a membrane filtration protocol adapted from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for detection and enumeration of E. coli from freshwater sources. Students then use standard biochemical methods to confirm isolates as E. coli. Finally, students use Rep-PCR DNA fingerprinting to determine the relatedness of E. coli isolates.

Keywords:  E. coli, DNA fingerprinting, membrane filtration, Rep-PCR

Dalhousie University (2010)