Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Professional Telecommunications: How to Get the Most from the NABT Electronic Bulletin Board and Other Useful Databases

Steven Lanphear

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 1989, Volume 10


This workshop demonstrates on-line use of the national electronic bulletin board, complete with electronic mail started in 1987 by the National Association of Biology Teachers. Once on-line, 14 special interest areas are available, such as AP- Biology, magazine and book reviews, ABT Journal, NABT membership services, question and answer forum, software reviews, and swap/sale of used equipment. Also available for downloading onto your computer are extensive files of labs, graphics, and handouts. Discussions of this and other databases will emphasize the power of these new professional communication tools. Note: This workshop is not included in the published proceedings volume because it was not submitted by the author.

Keywords:  electronic bulletin board, NABT, computer services, electronic mail, database, communication tools

University of British Columbia (1988)