Accommodation Solutions Online: Resources for Teaching Students with Disabilities in Lecture and Lab
Christy Horn, William Glider, Nate Cogswell, & Amin Makkawy
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2011, Volume 32
Accommodation Solutions Online (ASO) is a web-based tool providing teaching faculty and staff technical assistance in accommodating students with disabilities in higher education. This technical assistance will be in the form of information about various disabilities and how they impact a student’s learning, guidance about how to provide accommodations for the classroom such as raised line drawings or facilitating a group discussion with a student with communication challenges, video case studies of outstanding faculty demonstrating best practices for classroom accommodation, and examples illustrating how a particular functional characteristic impacts the student and her/his ability to participate in the educational environment. In this presentation, we will be demonstrating the ASO prototype and requesting advice and input from ABLE members on the design and usability of a module for developing materials for teaching students with visual impairments photosynthesis in laboratory and lecture. This will include some of the technologies easily obtainable such as Smart Pens, raised line drawings, Braille labelers, bar codes with audio output, and audible measuring tools.
Keywords: disabilities
Dalhousie University (2010)