Studying Photosynthesis in Hedera helix
Janice Bonner
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2012, Volume 33
This exercise presents a method for studying photosynthesis using the floating leaf disk assay (FLDA). It utilizes the rate at which oxygen is produced or consumed as a measure of the processes of photosynthesis and respiration, respectively. After disks of leaf tissue are vacuum-infiltrated, they sink. As photosynthesis occurs, the oxygen makes the disks float. When the disks are placed in the dark, oxygen is consumed and the leaf disks sink. This exercise explains how to carry out the FLDA. It also explains how to graph the data in Excel, and how to calculate the rates of photosynthesis and respiration.
Keywords: photosynthesis, respiration, floating leaf disk array (FLDA)
New Mexico State University (2011)