Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Microsatellite DNA: Population Genetics and Forensic Applications

Kuei-Chiu Chen

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2012, Volume 33


Microsatellite DNA has been used as standard genetic markers for human identification in forensic laboratories. This multi-week lab module uses professional lab techniques to cover concepts in molecular biology and mathematics. Students who have given consent extract DNA from their cheek cells and conduct a multiplex polymerase chain reaction that amplifies ten microsatellite loci simultaneously. The PCR products are analyzed using a standard DNA analyzer and then further processed with Peak Scanner (free software). A full genetic profile can achieve a random match probability as low as one in a trillion. The analysis of a genetic profile can be further expanded to parentage determination.

Keywords:  population genetics, Hardy-Weinburg genetic equilibrium, molecular marker, forensics, polymerase chain reaction

New Mexico State University (2011)