Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Locomotor Responses of Flesh Fly Larvae to Light

William V. Glider, Michael Bessert & Tom Suhr

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2012, Volume 33


This exercise provides students an introduction to the scientific process, animal behavior and the basic principles of scientific writing. Flesh fly (Sarcophaga bullata) larvae are used to investigate locomotor behavior to light. Stu- dents are introduced to the biology of flesh flies and based on this information, formulate predictions and hypotheses with respect to the locomotor behavior of the larvae to white light and different wavelengths of light. Students use the Chi-squared goodness of fit statistic to test their hypotheses. This lab exercise has been used in general biology courses for majors and non majors, employing both traditional and investigative approaches.

Keywords:  animal behavior, scientific communication, flesh flies

New Mexico State University (2011)