Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Making Cell Structure and Function Interactive and Interesting

Sarah Salm, Jessica Goldstein, & Lauren Goodwyn

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2012, Volume 33


Teaching cell structure and function in an interactive and meaningful way is a challenge. Students frequently spend the laboratory session labeling cell pictures in the manual or attempting to view cell slides. They are taught to draw what they see on the slide but are unsure how to do that and resort to either copying a diagram from the lab manual, drawing from a photograph in the manual, or just filling their diagram with random spots and blobs that they think represent the cells that are on the slides. They may not fully understand the relationship between surface area and volume, or how cells are adapted for function. In this modified version of the common cell lab, agar blocks and colored dye are used to teach the relationship between surface area and volume. In addition, students create different types of cells on the bench using easy-to-make foam models, and students are taught to measure the relative sizes of the cells and their organelles in order to understand spatial considerations in a cell.

Keywords:  cell biology, organelle, cell structure

New Mexico State University (2011)