Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Case-Based Strategies for Enhancing Student Interest and Understanding of Cellular Respiration

Michele Shuster

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2012, Volume 33


Cellular respiration is a challenging topic for introductory biology students to understand. The underlying foundational concepts of redox and thermodynamics rely on a chemistry background, and many students get lost in the details, losing sight of the physiological importance (and elegance) of cellular respiration. Adding relevant and engaging “stories” (case studies) to supplement and reinforce lectures enhances student understanding. The cases discussed included uranium bioremediation (anaerobic respiration in action), brown fat (thermogenesis through uncoupling of the PMF from ATP synthesis) and poisoned firefighters (were they poisoned by carbon monoxide or hydrogen cyanide and how should they be treated?).

Keywords:  cellular respiration, case-based learning

New Mexico State University (2011)