Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Extinction 2: A Game that Examines Important Concepts in Evolutionary Ecology

Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver & Betty L. Black

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2012, Volume 33

Poster file:


We have developed an on-line version of Extinction, a board game initially designed by Dr. Steven Hubbell, and most popular among our instructors and students. In Extinction 2, species battle to survive on the island of Darwinia. Darwinia is divided into several habitats. Any species can migrate into and reproduce in optimal habitats, and compete with or predate on neighboring species. That is if they are dealt the proper “genetic profile” to do so. A variety of important ecological and evolutionary topics are covered as students apply what they have learned to explain why their species succeeded or failed.

Keywords:  reproductive strategy, competition, Online teaching tools

New Mexico State University (2011)