Association for Biology Laboratory Education

The Size of Living Things

Kenneth G. Sossa

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2013, Volume 34


Most General Biology II courses focus on animal, plant, and fungi taxonomy, while addressing some relevant biological processes, i.e. reproduction, digestion, etc. This procession through the kingdoms of life often leaves biology students unengaged. Here, we present an alternative to teaching this type of course. We base our method on work by biologist John Tyler Bonner (Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales, 2006) and others who illustrate the limitations and advantages of size on life processes within organisms. The laboratory exercises presented guide students as they graph data showing the relationship between size and strength, speed, or complexity. All of these size relationships are proportional with profound significance. While becoming proficient on Excelâ„¢, students learn biological concepts and scientific literature mining. Using this method, students gladly discover size rules that illustrate the unity and diversity of life.

Keywords:  size rules, Size, General Biology II, volvox, strength, Speed

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2012)