Association for Biology Laboratory Education

Help me! I Don’t Know How to Be a TA!

Sharon Bullock, Michelle Pass, & Judy Moore

Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2013, Volume 34


Graduate teaching assistants come to us with varying levels of knowledge, experience, and confidence. At UNCCharlotte we address these issues by offering TAs an annual training orientation, a comprehensive TA manual, and ongoing support. This workshop will present a variety of proven methods for transforming some of the most apprehensive beginning TAs into skillful and professional educators. Content will include components of our training orientation: general information all TAs at UNCC need to know, duties and responsibilities of teaching assistants, instructional and organizational best practices in the teaching lab, policies, and strategies for dealing with complex issues such as FERPA, students with disabilities, safety considerations, behavioral problems, and harassment. We will present excerpts from the UNCC TA manual. Additionally we will share logistics for routine support and activity-specific guidance of TAs via weekly planning meetings. Thorny problems such as dealing with individual TA issues will be addressed as well. The mini-workshop will include discussion, group activities, and role-playing.

Keywords:  TA training

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2012)