Vision and Change? Challenges and Opportunities for ABLE
Lawrence S. Blumer & Christopher W. Beck
Tested Studies in Laboratory Teaching, 2014, Volume 35
This workshop will begin with a guided discussion on how we each became scientists and an identification of the skill development we most value in our students. Increasing the adoption of inquiry-based laboratory work in undergraduate courses is an explicit recommendation of the AAAS/NSF/NIH/HHMI Vision and Change report of 2011. Regular ABLE members know that this focus on undergraduate laboratory learning and teaching has been the mission of our organization for the past 34 years. ABLE resources, both our annual meetings and our publications, may readily be used to foster the transformation in learning and teaching recommended in the Vision and Change report. The annual ABLE proceedings, Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, provide ready-to-use teaching protocols that can be provided to colleagues as best-practice models to use, modify and emulate.
Keywords: transformation, teaching, learning, curriculum reform
University of Calgary (2013)