ABLE Proceedings – Volume 34
Editor: Karen McMahon
Major Workshops
Outbreak!: Scenario-Based Instruction in Microbiology
Jan Blom, Angela M. Seliga, Xiaojuan Khoo, Matthew Walker, & Nathan Rycroft
Using Phylogenetic Trees as an Investigative Tool in an Introductory Biology Course
Janice M. Bonner
Limiting Nutrient and Algal Growth: Designing an Individualized Student Project
Kuei-Chiu Chen
Phylogeny Construction: Primate Skulls and Protein Sequences
Sarah Deel
Induction of the Lambda Lysogen
Lynley Doonan & Carrie Doonan
The Genomics Education Partnership(GEP): Undergraduate Student Analysis of Drosophila Genomes
Julia A. Emerson, S. Catherine Silver Key, Consuelo J. Alvarez, Stephanie Mel, Gerard P. McNeil, Kenneth J. Saville, Wilson Leung, Christopher D. Shaffer & Sarah C. R. Elgin
Measurement of Rates of Aerobic Respiration and Photosynthesis in Terrestrial Plant Leaves Using Oxygen Sensors and Data Loggers
William V. Glider & Peter Thew
Engaging Introductory Biology Students in Independent Research Projects Based on Critical Analysis (or a Meta-analysis) of Open Questions in the Literature
Jean G. Heitz
Induction, Purification, Enzymatic Activity and Mutagenesis of Dihyrofolate Reductase (Abstract Only)
Joanne M. Lau
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
The “Anti-Cookbook Laboratory”: Converting “Canned” Introductory Biology Laboratories to Multi-Week Independent Investigations
Douglas B. Luckie, James J. Smith, Kendra Cheruvelil, Cori Fata-Hartley, Cheryl A. Murphy & Gerald R. Urquhart
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Behavioral Priming in Jumping Spiders
David A. McKinney
Ants as Model Organisms to Study Species Coexistence
Jonathan Z. Shik, Lauren M. Nichols, Andrea Lucky & Mari&?euml;lle H. Hoefnagels
Testing Hypothesis of Aging in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Pliny A. Smith
The Size of Living Things
Kenneth G. Sossa
A Completely Hands-On Paternity Dispute Using DNA Markers and Rapid Cycling Brassica rapa (Fast Plants Type)
Douglas L. Wendell & Dawn M. Pickard
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Authentic Assessment Using Biology Lab Practicals
Kathy Winnett-Murray & Lori Hertel
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Genetic Variations That May Increase Your Resistance to Malaria
Ann Yezerski
Mini Workshops
TA-Training – How Much Is Too Much?
Sylvie Bardin & Christopher Garside
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Help me! I Don’t Know How to Be a TA!
Sharon Bullock, Michelle Pass, & Judy Moore
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Creating Inclusive Learning Environments
Cori Fata-Hartley & Kendra Spence Cheruvelil
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Preparing Graduate Student Teaching Assistants for Teaching Labs Associated with Large Lecture Introductory Biology Courses
Miriam Ferzli & Patricia Aune
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Authentic Practice and Discourse of Science: From the Classroom to the Research Lab
Miriam Ferzli, Elizabeth Overman & Mary Beth Hawkins
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Balancing Academic Freedom, Professional Development for TAs, and a Uniform Experience for the Students
Fardad Firooznia
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Excelâ„¢Based Graphical Tools for Comparing Grades across Multiple Lab or Tutorial Sections
Gillian Gass & Liane Chen
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Supplemental Materials]
EVO-DEVO:Does Seed Protein Biochemistry Reflect Plant Phylogeny?
Charlene F. Blando-Hoegler & Carl S. Hoegler
Plant Mineral Nutrient Deficiency: A Hydroponic Alternative Utilizing Nutrient Flow Techniques
Kevin Johnson
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Incorporating Polyacrylamide Electrophoresis of Model Enzymes into Scenario Based Labs Investigating Protein Structure-Function Relationships
Michael J. Keller
Corralling Wiggling Worms- Collecting Data for a Multi-Week Laboratory on the Effect of Various Treatments on the Pulsation Rate of the Dorsal Vessel of California Blackworms (Lumbriculus variegatus)
Michael D. Killian & Dianne M. Baker
TA Training Methods: Training Through Assessment
Dawn M. MacRitchie
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Training Teaching Assistants in Inquiry-Based Learning
Amy Marion
Can’t We Talk? Reflection Opportunities for Instructors of Inquiry Biology Laboratory Courses
Kristen Miller
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Stimulating with the Socratic Method in Lab Notebooks
Todd C. Nickle & David Bird
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Ecosystem Exercises for Summer School and Distance Students
Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver & Betty L. Black
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
A Holistic Approach to Horseshoe Crab Biology by Studying Easily-reared Larvae
Kathleen Nolan, Mamuna Faizi, Alina Zhyvotovska, Lauren Clark, James Foo, Neeti Bathala, Sixto Portilla, John Tanacredi, & Mark Botton
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Landmark-Based Geometric Morphometrics: What Fish Shapes Can Tell Us about Fish Evolution
Peter J. Park, Windsor E. Aguirre, Deborah A. Spikes, & Joan M. Miyazaki
Why Teach Writing When We Are Trying to Teach Science?
Marilee A. Ramesh
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Train Your Lab Instructors for Basic Microscope Troubleshooting and Preparation!
Lori Ann Rose
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Using the Thermophile Meiothermus ruber as a Model System for Authentic Undergraduate and Faculty Research in Genome Analysis
Lori Scott
A Bridge to Knowledge: A Practical Workshop for Teaching Fellows
Kathryn Spilios, Nathan Rycroft & Angela Seliga
Organismic Scavenger Hunt
Timothy Suhr & Beth A. Whitaker
Osmosis, Lab Math, & Microscopes: An Inquiry Based Approach for Reviewing Basic Lab Skills and Concepts while Investigating Plasmolysis in Elodea Cells
Joanna R. Vondrasek
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
ABLE Resources to Enhance Your Lab, Career, and Life
Mark E. Walvoord
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
How to Make Your TA an Effective Partner in the Classroom
Lakshmi Chilukuri
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Using Podcasts and In-Class Assignments in a Large-enrollment Introductory Biochemistry Class to Promote Deep Learning
Isabelle H. Barrette-Ng
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Predator Sense and Prey Defense: A Lab Exercise in Evolutionary Hypothesis Formulation and Experimentation
Cindy Bennington, Rachel Burnett, & John Jett
Authentic Research in Undergraduate Research Laboratory Courses: Definitions, Implementation, and Barriers
Lawrence S. Blumer, Christopher W. Beck, Judith A Guinan, Kristen R. Miller & Rachelle M. Spell
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Why Do Bean Beetles Avoid Split Beans? A Simple Extension of A Host Choice Experiment
Kenneth J. Harris, Lawrence S. Blumer, & Christopher W. Beck
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Diet and Metabolism in Bean Beetles
Greg Q. Butcher & Scott E. Chirhart
Promoting Student Independence with Project Based Labs
Dawn Carter
Creating, Using, and Assessing Student Teams for Biology Labs
Kendra Cheruvelil
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
The Benefits of Peer Instruction and Collaborative Study in Acquisition of Data Analysis Skills
Lakshmi Chilukuri
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Getting a Rise Out of Bread
Rosemary H. Ford
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Student-Designed Projects That Ascertain Antibiotic Properties of Natural Substances
Marlon Joseph, Victoria Pierre-Louis, Hannah Singer, Aleeza Wachs & Kathleen Nolan
Undergraduate Explanations of Instructional Behaviors
K. Denise Kendall & Elisabeth E. Schussler
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Using Seashells to Teach Statistics Through Experimental Design
Hans Lemke
Establishing a Solid Pedagogical Foundation in Biology Graduate Teaching Assistants
Stephanie A. Lockwood
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Less Teaching, More Learning: A 10 Year Study Supports Greater Inquiry in Labs. Even Alongside Less Coverage, Yields Steady Gains in Student Learning of Biology
Douglas B. Luckie
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Tackling Experimental Design Concepts with Rubber Bands
Boriana Marintcheva
Biodiversity Research in Undergraduate Lab Courses
Stephanie Mel, Heather Henter & Mandy Butler
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Using Bacteria as an Effective Model to Teach Evolution in an Introductory Organismal Biology Class
Cheryl Murphy, Amanda Gnau, Jeannine Scott, Christy Mecey Smith, Nicole Van de Velde & Emily Norton
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Enhancing Statistical Skills in Ecology: Quantifying Bird Feeding Behaviors
Kiersten Newtoff & Christine Small
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
A Resource for Preparing On-Line Quizzes for Visuals Such as Graphs, Photographs and Diagrams
Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
First New York City Regional Association of Biology Laboratory Education (RABLE)Workshop
Kathleen Nolan, Steven Lispon, Alex Braun, Marlon Joseph, Jill Callahan, Jessica Goldstein, & Sarah Salm
Using A Model System Workshop to Teach Cell Biology
Fran Norflus & Triscia Hendrickson
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Preparing Graduate Teaching Assistants for Teaching in Scientific Labs
Beth Overman & Miriam Ferzli
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Urban Ecology: Redesign on the Fly
Nathan Rycroft & Angela M. Seliga
Osmosis: In or Out?
Tamara Sluss
The Popcorn Course: An Academic /Industry Partnership Promoting “”Real Science”” Research Opportunities for Undergraduates
James J. Smith & Ware Flora
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]