Association for Biology Laboratory Education

ABLE Proceedings – Volume 35

Editor: Karen McMahon

Major Workshops

Gaining a Structural Perspective on the Molecular Basis of Inherited Diseases
Isabelle H. Barrette-Ng & Don MacMillan

Biomechanical Analysis of a Vertebrate Foot
Janice M. Bonner

From Bugs to Barcodes: Using Molecular Tools to Study Biodiversity
Madeline Butler, Heather Henter, & Stephanie Mel

Extremophiles in My Backyard? Enhancing Analytical and Math Skills with a Simple Enquiry Based Lab
Lakshmi Chilukuri & Lorlina Almazan

Comparison of Aerobic Respiration Rates in Zophobas morio larvae and Germinated Pea (Pisum sativum) Seeds Using Oxygen Sensors
William V. Glider
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Sex Determination and Mating Strategies of the Bluehead Wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum: A Role-play Simulation
Karen L. Haberman

Ecology in a Three Module Format
M. Carmen Hall & Sheryl Shanholtzer

Using a Comparative Endocrinology Model to Recruit Future Scientists
Mary Beth Hawkins & Miriam Ferzli

Uncooking the Lab: Laboratory Designs for Engaging Students in the Process of Science
Jean Heitz

Mutation and Selection: An Exploration of Antibiotic Resistance in Serratia marcescens
Laurel L. Hester, Mark A. Sarvary, & Corey J. Ptak

Teaching Genetic Principles with Dogs
A. Daniel Johnson, Sabrina D. Setaro, & Tiffany A. Blackburn

GTA Boot Camp: A Training Program to Prepare First-Time Graduate Student Teaching Assistants
Carly N. Jordan, Angela M. Seliga, & Elizabeth A. Faherty
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]

Building Rubrics for Graded Lab Assignments: A Helpful Hand up a Steep Slope
Hans D. Lemke & Michael J. Keller

Cheap and Easy Diversity for Introductory Biology
Mary Ann McLean

Neuroprogenitor Cell Differentiation in Culture
Olga Miakotina & Michael E. Dailey
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]

Practical Applications of the HHMI Stickleback Evolution Virtual Lab
Peter J. Park, Laura Bonetta, Dennis Liu, Ann Brokaw, & Michael A. Bell
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]

Detecting Genetic Polymorphisms in Different Populations of Bean Beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus)
Jennifer McMahon Smith & Karen A. Hicks

Osmosis and Transport
Carl Stiefbold

Yogurt Making – How Does Carbohydrate Type Affect Yogurt Chemistry?
Joanna R. Vondrasek

Mini Workshops

Use of Radioactive Material In Undergraduate Laboratory Exercises
Mike Adams
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Gene Rummy: A Card Game about Mendelian Genetics
Katrin Becker

Vision and Change? Challenges and Opportunities for ABLE
Lawrence S. Blumer & Christopher W. Beck
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Teaching Experimental Design Using Labs That “Don’t Work”
Emily Boone
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Incorporating Evolutionary Medicine into an Introductory Biology Lab Program
Donna Bozzone

Do the Right Thing- Theatrical Performance for Teaching Responsible Conduct in Research
Kuei-Chiu Chen & Laurel L. Hester

Podcasts in the General Biology Laboratory – Not Just a Communication Tool
John O. Drummond
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Documenting Green-Down Pheneological Changes in Campus Trees
Rosemary H. Ford
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Design-Based Virtual Biology: Finally Something That Works
Ashley Gess
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

An Excellent DNA Model
Robert B. Ketchum

Sources of Grade Variability in Multi-Session Lab Courses: Should We Seek Legitimate Correction Factors to Mitigate Detectable Variation in Student Grades?
Saewan Koh & Mark Wolansky
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Simulations of Metabolic Reactions using Excel
Robert J. Kosinski

The Pros and Cons of Electronic Laboratory Notebook Use in Undergraduate Courses
Debra Mauzy-Melitz
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]

Digital Coyote: Examining Geographical Variation Using a Virtual Museum Collection
Declan J. McCabe & Catherine M. T. Vu

CACAO: Linking Evidence-Based Functional Annotations to Education
Brenley Kathleen McIntosh
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Good Reason to Hate Broccoli!
Dani Meyers & Suzie Jekel
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]

Applying a Versatile Rubric for Authentic Research Assignments: An Easier and More Reliable Way to Give Feedback to Students?
Doug Graber Neufeld, Steve Cessna, & Tara Kishbaugh
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]

Guide to Hosting a Regional ABLE Meeting (RABLE)
Joe Newsome
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds: A Hands-on Mini-workshop Comparing and Contrasting Hominids and Other Primates
Kathleen Nolan

A Recitation Program to Improve Student Success in Majors and Non-Majors Introductory Biology Courses
Donna L. Pattison
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]

Journaling and Botany: Documenting Learning with Words and Pictures
Christine Petersen and Lyn Baldwin

How “Salmon in Trees” Leads to Greater Student Engagement and Learning in First Year Biology
Susan Purdy

Biostatistics in the Classroom: Teaching Introductory Biology Student How to Use the Statistical Software ‘R’ Effectively
Mark A. Sarvary
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]

An Introduction to Gene Annotation Using the Resources of the Genomics Education Partnership
Ken Saville, Gerry NcNeil, & Don Paetkau
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Action Potentials Are Child’s Play
Rick Wiedenmann

The Great Larva Race: Using Fruit Fly Larval Speed to Study Quantitative Genetics
Ann Yezerski
[Abstract][Published Abstract]


Utilizing the Software Package “R” to Integrate Graphical and Statistical Analysis in Undergraduate Laboratory Courses
Michael S. Berger
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]

Amylase – From Molecules to Systems
Dawn Carter

Necessary vs. Sufficient Reasoning as an Instructional Tool to Improve Student Data Analysis
Aaron Coleman
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Using the Innocence Project to Engage Non-Majors in DNA Analysis
Taria Crenshaw
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Supplemental Materials][Poster]

Measuring Microevolution in an Experimental Population of Drosophila
David Dansereau
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

A Theme-Based Experimental Methods Course Provides Research Experience for Biology Majors
Diane Dorsett & Latanya Hammonds-Odie

Pests Be Gone! Or Not?! Looking at the Effect of an Organophosphate Insecticide on Acetylcholinesterase Activity in the Bean Beetle
Hector Fermin, Gurcharan Singh, Rahat Gul, Min Gyu Noh, Violeta Contrerars Ramirez, & Fardad Firooznia

Proteins and Clades: A Lab Exercise Using Molecular Methods to Illustrate Phylogenetic Relationships Among Fish
Kimberley Harcombe & Mrinal Das
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]

Research Techniques in Molecular Biology
Kimberley Harcombe & Melissa Hills
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]

Evolution in Instrument Design of Inexpensive but Highly Sensitive Devices for the Life Sciences
Patrick Lai, Matthew Patterson, Kim Willoughby, Neil Berezowski, Mark Mahadeo, Mohamed Hassanin & Elmar J. Prenner
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Student Satisfaction with the Studio Format Method of Teaching Introductory Biology
Beth E. Leuck & Greg Q. Butcher

Assessing Students’ Understanding of the Scientific Process
Amy Marion

Photosynthesis: The Whereabouts
Catarina Mata
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]

Undergraduate Designed Investigations in the Human Physiology Laboratory
Karen A. McMahon
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]

Intuitive Interactive Software Applications for Enzymology
Kenneth Ng
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]

Science Writing, Wikis, and Collaborative Learning in the Laboratory
Michael A. O’Donnell
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]

Four Strategies for Implementing the Genomics Education Partnership Resources
Don Paetkau
[Abstract][Published Abstract]

Purposeful Integration of Laboratory and Lecture in an Advanced Cellular Biology Course
Lisa Prichard
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]

A Comparison of Methods for Enumeration of Bacteria from Natural Water Samples: A Multi-Week Laboratory Project
Kathleen M. Verville
[Abstract][Published Abtract][Poster]