ABLE Proceedings – Volume 37
Editor: Karen McMahon
Major Workshops
Conducting Authentic Collaborative Research in Undergraduate Biology Courses Using the Open Science Framework
Anne B. Allison
Utilizing the Software Package ‘R’ to Generate Graphs and Perform Statistical Analyses in Undergraduate Laboratory Courses
Michael S. Berger
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
A Scaffolded Approach to Integrating Primary Literature into A Biology Laboratory
Janice M. Bonner
Antibiotic Properties of Spices
Sasha Balcazar, Maria Burnatowska-Hledin, Kathy Winnett-Murray, & Lori Hertel
Choosy Worms to Teach Experimental Design
Megan F. Cole, Jacobus C. de Roode, & Nicole M. Gerardo
Laboratories for Integrating Bioinformatics into the Life Sciences – Part II
Garry Duncan, O. William McClung, Letitia Reichart, Dawn Simon, William Tapprich, Neal Grandgenett, & Mark Pauley
Accessible Laboratory and Lecture Environments for Teaching Biology
William V. Glider, Christy Horn, Peter Thew, & Amin Makkowy
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
miR Seekers: Finding Targets of MicroRNAs in Undergraduate Lab Courses
Pavan Kadandale, Adam Idica, Jordan Thompson, & Irene Munk Pedersen
An Introduction to Bioinformatics
Robert J. Kosinski
Bean Beetle Nutrition and Development Lab: An Iterative Approach to Experimental Design
Julie Laudick & Christopher Beck
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Assessing Biodiversity with Forest Plots
Shannon Mallison & A. Daniel Johnson
Reflex Functions and Other Physiology Principles: Active Learning and Real Time Analysis
Elizabeth McCarthy, Parthena Sanxaridis Mantis, & Angela Seliga
Identifying Promoter Activators and Repressors Using lacZ Transgene Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
David A. McDonald, Sarah E. Council, Stephanie C. Schroeder, Sandra Utile, Ruth S. Phillips, Gail P. Hollowell, & S. Catherine Silver Key
Introduction to Systems Biology using Cell Illustrator
Rebecca Murphy, Tom Ticich, & Juan Rodriguez
Darwin’s Finches: Evolution and Natural Selection Lab
Kimberly S. Orrell, Laurel S. Rodgers, & Karen R. Andersen
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Laboratory Aquaponics: Bringing Fish Farming, Gardening, and Miniature Biospheres into the Everyday Classroom
Peter J. Park, Michael E. Huster, & Catarina Mata
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Pazmo Bugs: An Old-fashion Paper Simulation for a Modern Genetics Lab
Dale Pasino & Daphne Schatzberg
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Population Genetics and Behavioral Ecology: Orange, Blue, & Yellow Male Uta stansburiana
Ralph Preszler & Avis James
Urban Ecology: Inquiry-Based and Experiential Laboratory Exercises for Urban Ecosystems
Nathan Rycroft, Angela Seliga, Tristan Lubinski, Derek Stefanik, Ashley Jennings, Joslyn Mills, Melissa LaBonty, Jacob Reilley-Luther, Ajit Kamath, Adrienne Lohe, Amanda Gallinat, Nafis Hasan, Alla Yalonetskaya, & Raka-Larissa Basu
Battle of the Bacteria: Characterizing the Evolutionary Advantage of Stationary Phase Growth
Brian Sato & Karin E. Kram
Creating a Microbial Genome Analysis Project using Publically Available Genome Sequences and Online Bioinformatics Programs
Lori R. Scott, Todd C. Nickle, Stephen Koury, Brad Goodner, Katherine Houmeil, Ben McFarland, Jennifer Tenlen, Andrew Lumpe, Kimberly Murphy, D. Rhoads, D. Wood, & Daihong Chen
Flipping Virtual Labs into Team-Based Learning Tools
Andrew R. Whiteley, Ellie Steinberg, & Eli Meir
Mini Workshops
Construction of a Phloem Pressure-Flow Model
Susanne Alterman
Integration of a Flipped Classroom Module with a Peer-Learning Laboratory Exercise to Encourage Deeper Learning of Protein Structure
Isabelle H. Barrette-Ng & Miguel Torres
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Applying for a Roberta Williams Laboratory Teaching Initiative Grant
Isabelle H. Barrette-Ng, Mark Wolansky, & Beth Whitaker
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
A Creative Approach: Teaching Biology Labs through Arts-based Learning
Lee Beavington
Inquiring into Numbers: NANSLO’s Methodology for Developing Inquiry Based Laboratory Activities
Paul (PJ) Bennett
A Student-Friendly Tool for Phylogenetic Analysis
Tania Bettis, Joshua Povich, Tamara Mau, & John Huelsenbeck
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Bacterial Biofilm Quantification: Using a Crystal Violet Assay to Assess Student-Selected Remedies
Jill E. Callahan & Michael J. Cataldi
Building a Student Community to Improve Student Writing Skills
Dawn Carter & Corey Ptak
Practice Makes Perfect: Clickers as a Tool for Student Writing and Feedback
Liane Chen & Megan Barker
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Supporting TA Training and Management Using an Evidence-Based Approach: A Visual Tool to Identify Outliers in Student Grades
Liane Chen, Megan Barker, & Laura Weir
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Reaching Out to Reach Up – An Outreach Model for Honors Biology
Julia Collins
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Draw It Wright: Creating Art to Learn Blood Cell Types in Laboratory or Lecture
Alison Dell & Irina Ellison
Scaffolded and Incremental Lab Report Writing Guidelines – A Pedagogical Model Used in 3rd Year Human Biology Laboratory Courses
Alistair V. Dias
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
The Peer Learning Association and the Learning by Teaching Model
Jean Heitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
What Effects Can Question Format Have on Our Ability to Assess Student Learning?
Jean Heitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Rubric Roulette? Don’t Be Random – Choose or Design Rubrics to Match Learning Objectives or Time Constraints
Laurel L. Hester
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Encouraging Reflective Learning with End-of-Lab Presentations on iPads
Marielle H. Hoefnagels & Mark E. Walvoord
Beyond the Lab Report: Using Non-scientific Genres to Facilitate and Assess First-Year Student Learning
Elizabeth Hogan, Gregory McGee, & Neal Abrams
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Taking the Lab Notebook to A New Level
Dianne Jennings
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
“Rising Stakes” Collaborative Writing Projects: Tools, Techniques, and Tips
Dan Johnson
Learning Styles Self-Discovery Workshop; Why Personal Style and Versatility Matter
Cecilia Lalama
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Navigating HIV Testing: a Writing-focused Lab Sequence
Boriana Marintcheva
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Adventures in Desktop Ecology
Jeffrey A. Markert
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Cell Culture Basics in a Large Undergraduate Class
Mindy McCarville & Laura Grogono
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Biology of Weird Plants–the Voodoo Lily (Sauromatum guttatum)!
Karen McDougal, Judy E. Moore, & Marsha E. Fanning
Integrating STEM Laboratory Instruction at the Introductory Level – Opportunities and Challenges
Gregory McGee & Neal Abrams
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Torturing Our Students: Can We Teach Lab Reports Better?
Randi Mewhort, Christina Elliott, & Kathy Davies
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
The Effect of Temperature on The Aerobic Respiration of Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Measured Using A Simple Microrespirometer
Kevin Miller
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Bringing Inquiry into an Online Laboratory Environment
Kristen Miller & Courtney Holt
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
“Bugs on Bugs:” An Inquiry-Based, Collaborative Activity to Learn Arthropod and Microbial Biodiversity
Jeanelle M. Morgan & Evan Lampert
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Yet another Exercise on Relationship Tree Building
Marianne Neidzlek-Feaver
Journal Clubs and Lab Courses – The Prose and Cons
Alp E. Oran
A Research-Based Curriculum for Students of the Life Sciences
Lucia Pastorino, Shoai Hattori, & Paul Lipton
Engaging Assessment – More than Just a Test
Susan Purdy & Christine Petersen
Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungi: The Uninvited and Unnoticed Guests
Alma Rodriquez Estrada
Using IPads as Tools in Teaching Environmental Science Laboratory
Sheryl Shanholtzer
Making it R.E.I.L: Progress Reports on Developing Research Lab Modules
Rachelle M. Spell, Christopher W. Beck, Lawrence Blumer, Judy A. Guinan, Kristen R. Miller, Joanna Vondrasek, & Kathy Winnett-Murray
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Group Testing to Enhance Collaborative Learning
Kathryn Spilios & Paul Lipton
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Assessing Cardiovascular Health and Stress Management Techniques using Novel and Accessible Mobile Apps in a Laboratory Setting
Franco Taverna & Alistair Dias
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Guiding Education through Novel Investigation (GENI): Facilitating Authentic Research in the Teaching Lab
Jenny Tenlen & Kimberly Murphy
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Quick, Safe and Simple Silver Staining for Ciliates and Other Protists
Ben Waggoner, Taylor Newman, & Taylor Tarbutton
Introducing Writing in an Introductory Lab
Emily Watkinson & Dianne Jennings
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Educational Videos Made Easy
Frank Wong & Angela M. Seliga
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Exploring the Human Immune System through Video, Puzzle, Discussion and Writing
Brianna Wright
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Learning Biotechnology Tools to Conduct Hypothesis-Driven Research on the Presence of Genetically Modified Ingredients in Foods
Cindy Achat-Mendes, Jennifer Hurst-Kennedy, & Robert Haining
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Can A Flipped-Classroom Approach in Combination with Inquiry-Based Learning Foster Content Acquisition and Hypothesis Testing in Introductory Biochemistry?
Isabelle Barrette-Ng & Carol Berenson
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Integration of a Flipped Learning Module with a Peer-Learning Laboratory Exercise to Encourage Deeper Learning of Protein Structure
Isabelle Barrette-Ng & Miguel Torres
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Does the Maternal Genome Influence Seedling Protein Biochemistry During Plant Embryogenesis?
Charlene F. Blando-Hoegler & Carl S Hoegler
ASELL in Schools – From University Laboratory Improvements to High School Laboratory Improvements
Karen Burke da Silva
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Using the Crystal Violet Biofilm Assay to Assess Efficacy of Traditional Family Remedies of Students
Jill Callahan
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Beefing up an Enzyme Lab: Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Extracts from Bean Beetles Standardized for Protein Content
Hector Fermin, Avaje Jackson, & Fardad Firooznia
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Using Bean Beetles (Callosobruchus maculatus) in Guided Inquiry Exercises in the Biology Laboratory
Greg K. Fitch & Jordan Burns
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Discovering Plant Tissues in a New Dimension
Adolfina R. Koroch, Thomas S. Villani, & James E. Simon
Small Changes in Freshmen Biology Lab Create Unexpected Opportunities for Research, Collaboration, and Student Success
Craig Longtine, Tamara Mans, & Paul Melchior
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Applications of New Technologies to Classical Restriction Enzyme Labs
Boriana Marintcheva
A Modular Framework for Teaching Sequencing Based Functional Genomics to High School Students
Debra Mauzy-Melitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Introducing Primary Literature Analysis and Collaborative Work via a Dissection and Histology Laboratory Associated with a Huntington’s Disease Inquiry-based Laboratory
Lindsay A. Mehrmanesh, Kene N. Piasta, & Melissa S. Kosinski-Collins
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Confirming Helminth Infection
Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver
A Mini-Kreisel
Marianne Niedzlek-Feaver
The Use of the Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds to Supplement Labs and Field Work
Kathleen A. Nolan, Kwun Chan, Afia Azaah, Kristy Biolosi, & Allen Burdowski
Data Speaks for Itself: Training Undergraduate Students How to Communicate Science
Jenean O’Brien
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
A Student-Friendly Tool for Phylogenetic Analyses
Joshua Povich, Tania Bettis, & Tamara Mau
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Converting a Cell Biology Laboratory Course from Cookbook Labs to Guided Inquiry Investigations
Jessica Rocheleau
Modular Microbiology
Sarah Salm & Jessica Goldstein
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Teaching Ecological Concepts through Game Based Learning
Mickey Schutzenhofer
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Increasing Elementary Education Majors? Understanding, Confidence, and Attitude in Life Sciences
Brianna Wright & Christopher North
[Abstract][Published Abstract]