ABLE Proceedings – Volume 38
Editor: Karen McMahon
Major Workshops
Estimating Fish Population Size Using a Mark-Recapture Technique
Ann Oliver Cheek
Identification of Unknown Fluorescent Proteins: A Colorful Lab Module for Teaching Gene-to-Protein Information Flow and Protein Structure
Aaron Coleman
Developing Collaborative Lab Experiments across Disciplines through the Identification of Bacteria
Brian M. Forster, Emily C. Bilyk, Sarah A. Moss & Joanna K. Huxster
Collaboration Between Educators and Deep Ocean Scientists to Create Research-Based Labs: Focus on Bioinformatics
Angela Gee & Marissa Pantastico-Caldas
Stereoscopic Visualization Using BodyViz and Clinical Embolization of Benign Brain Tumors
Tejendra Gill & Alexandra Ulmet
Examining Microbial Biodiversity in Soil: A Large-Enrollment Introductory Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience
Stanley M. Lo & Stephanie F. Mel
Sex in the Garden: Pollen Germination
Debra Mauzy-Melitz
Microrespirometers, Mealworms, and Mini-Lab Reports: Observing Respiration in Real-Time using a Low-Tech Device
Kevin P. Miller
An Immersion in Vocalizations at the Houston Zoo
Kathleen A. Nolan, Kristy Biolsi, & Allen J. Burdowski
Shhhhh…Keep It Down! Designing, Making, and Testing shRNA
Alp Oran
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
STEM Technology Applied to Biology Labs: Quantifying Cellular Respiration with Sensors and Arduino Microcontroller Technology
Denise A. Piechnik, Mary Puterbaugh Mulcahy, & Brittni Cumberland
Using Herbicides to Understand the Light-Dependent Reactions of Photosynthesis
Laurel Rodgers & Wendy Peiffer
Attack of the Killer Fungus: “Real” Research in the Classroom
Brian Sato
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Authentic Ecology Field Investigation for Large (or Small) General Biology Lab Courses
Carolyn Schultz & Anna Strimaitis
Engaging Students in Informed Design Case Studies that Reinforce Laboratory Content
Brian R. Shmaefsky
Genetic Complementation Testing in C. elegans
Pliny A. Smith
Course-Based Research with Bean Beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus, and a Y-maze Olfactometer
Ronald Ty Smith & Lawrence Blumer
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Using Gromphadorhina portentosa to Study Sensory Neuron Action Potentials
Kenneth G. Sossa & Wes Colgan III
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
3D-Printed Fish Models for Testing Guppy Mate Choice
John F. Stewart, Michael E. Moore ,J. Lance Forshee, Kathryn D. Boyles, Moria G. Harmon, Jason N. Bruck, & Donald P. French
Dragon Genetics
Rebecca Williams & Mark Walvoord
Mini Workshops
Using Zotero Online Citation Manager for a Group Literature Review Assignment
Susanne Altermann
PhotosynQ: Massively Collaborative Project-based Phenotyping Platform
Greg Austic
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Strategies for a Hybrid Classroom: An Online Activity for Understanding Figures from Primary Literature
Sarah Carmona & Debra Mauzy-Melitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Engaging Non-Major Biology Students in a Biology Laboratory through Service Learning Activities
Sarah Cerra
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Fun with Videos: Difficult Concepts Made Accessible
Lakshmi Chilukuri, Lorlina Almazan, & Ana Gomez
Using the Game of Mastermind to Teach Experimentation
Megan F. Cole
The Leap from Lecture: Using a Case-Based Approach in a Large Intro Bio Course
Julie Collins
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Encouraging Metacognition through Mandatory Exam Review
Pamela L. Connerly
Enhancing Laboratory Education with Student-Created Videos
Carrie Doonan, Emily Drill, & Annette Vincent
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
A Fast and Fun Method for Studying Plant Vascular Tissue
Julia A. Emerson
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Non-Visual Laboratory Activities for Biology
Deborah Fiore
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Intuitive Computational Modeling as a Method to Teach about Biological and Biochemical Processes Using Cell Collective
Nicholas Galt
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Progressive Concept Mapping in Lab: Building Connections All Semester Long
Krystal K. Gayler & Marielle Hoefnagels
Everything I know About Lichens, I Learned from My Students: Implementing a Problem Based Learning Class for Non-Majors Biology Students
Myra Carmen Hall
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Using Socratic Questioning to Encourage Curiosity and Critical Thinking and to Enhance Problem Solving Skills
Jean Heitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Introducing Students to the “Big Ideas” in Biology
Jean Heitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
A Milky Approach to Enzymes
Anitha Iyer & Linda W. Crow
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
EdTech Toolkit Creating Browser Based Interactive Keys and Documents in Class
A. Daniel Johnson
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Awareness Makes You Friends: Addressing Diversity Concerns in the Classroom
Heather Karner, Tuyen Nguyen & Debra Mauzy-Melitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Human Race(s)
Amy Marion
Inquiry Labs for a Sustainable Low-Cost Biology Program
Amanda Masino & Kathy Schwab
Using Twitter to Build Community Within Large Classes and Departments
Mindy McCarville & Lara Gibson
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Biological Data Analysis: the Linear Regression Controversy
Rabi Murad, Dail Chapman, & Debra Mauzy-Melitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
How Close Can You Stay?
Christine Petersen & Lyn Baldwin
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Good Mutation? Bad Mutation? A Simulation Based on Sickle Cell Disease to Teach the Hardy-Weinberg Principle
Javier Robalino & Ann Brokaw
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Crafty Low-Cost Molecular Biology Manipulatives
Jennifer Schroeder & Maria Mays
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Marine Biodiversity in a Bag
Ben Waggoner
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Quantitative Skills in Context
Christopher W. Beck
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Uncovering the Past: Using Human Demography to Promote Civic Engagement?
Emily Boone
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Team-Based Learning in a Majors/Non-majors Neuroscience Course
Greg Q. Butcher
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
The Use of Parasitoid Wasps (Leptopilina heteratoma) in Biology Laboratory Courses?
Antonia Florio, Michelle Batchu, & Kathleen A. Nolan
Teaching Introductory Biology at a Field Station
William V. Glider & Benjamin M. Reed
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
The Care and Feeding of Survey Data
Hans D. Lemke
Better Brain Dissection and Other Activities to Support the Active Classroom
Laura Manella
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Swamp Scurry: A Game for the Cell Cyle and Its Regulating Factors
Huong Nguyen & Debra Mzuay-Melitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Mixing Up the Recipe: Inquiry-Based Learning in First-Year Undergraduate Labs?
Jody Rintoul
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
PopGen Simulator
Dan Shiebler
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
DAPI in the Classroom
Hubert Vu
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Measuring Student Transformative Learning in a Biology Lab
Mark E. Walvoord
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Measuring Soil Microarthropod Diversity Using a High-gradient Tullgren Type Extractor
Robyn Wood
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]