Advances in Biology Laboratory Education – Volume 41
Editor: Karen McMahon
Major Workshops
Augmented Reality in Undergraduate Biology Classroom
Swati Agrawal
A Yeast Reporter Assay to Analyze the Effect of Dietary Supplements on Gene Expression
Quyen L. Aoh
Phenotypic Characterization of Auxotroph Mutants Obtained by Transposon Mutagenesis
Sylvie Bardin & Zahra Mortaji
Solar Panel Electricity, Efficiency, and Environmental Impacts
Lawrence S. Blumer
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Undergraduates Choose Your Own Adventure: Inquiry-based Research in Plant Biology and Developmental Biology Classes
Georgette Briggs, Chris J. Meyer, Shelley Hepworth & Steven P. Chatfield
Using C. elegans to Test the Adaptive Significance of Sexual Outcrossing
Sehoya Cotner
FlyBuilder: A Multimodal Dry Lab Curriculum Teaches Mendelian Genetics through the Lens of Drosophila Balancer Chromosomes
Johanna G. Flyer-Adams, Belinda Barbagallo, & Leslie C. Griffith
Learning Basic Data Analysis Skills in Intro Biology Labs Using R
Linda Forrester & Rachel S. Schwartz
Using Algae in Undergraduate STEM Education:A Flexible Inquiry-based Investigation at Scale
Dylan Franks, John F. Stewart, Moria G. Harmon, & Donald P. French
An In Silico Approach to Protease Discovery
Pavan Kadandale, Marc Sprague-Piercy, & Rachel W. Martin
One Fish, Two Fish, Real Fish, Fake Fish: Using Free Online Tools to Teach Tree Thinking
Hans D. Lemke & Anna M. Davis
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Simulating Genetic Drift and Natural Selection
Amy L. Marion
Soil Respiration
Randi L. Mewhort, Christina G. Elliott, & Donna Wakeford
Using the Citizen-science APP, iNaturalist, as a Lab Tool for Hypothesis-testing
Joe Newsome
How Do You Like Them Apples? Cellulose Scaffolds Seeded with Mammalian Cells
Alp Oran, Karine Loiselle, Lucille Joly, & Cindy Lesage-Pelletier
ZO-1 Sequence Analysis ? A Paper and Computer-based Exercise in Cloning
Laurel Rodgers
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Using the Novel Dipstick DNA Extraction Technique in a Biological Barcoding Lab
Christof Stumpf, Susan Bowers, & Nathan Sammons
Do the Write Thing: Eight Mini-activities to Refine Students? Scientific Writing
Suzanne E. Thuecks
Using FoldscopesTM for Offline Exploration in Online Biology Courses
Jennifer Van Dommelen & Jacob Fletcher Â
Mini Workshops
Inquiry-based problem solving: Analysis of CO2 Uptake by Spirulina sp. in Varying Water Temperatures
Kelsey Andersen, Cheyenne Brabham, Whitney Colosimo, Kassi Kloss, Cheyenne Staufenberger, & Sarah E. Ruffell
An Examination of Algal Morphology and Toxicity through Experiential Learning
Kelsey Andersen, McKenzie Bahl, Susan Wright, Paul Mendoza, & Sarah E. Ruffell
PCR Cycle Number Analysis- Understanding exponential doubling of PCR product
Sherri Andrews
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Using the Mitochondrial ETC to Effectively Illustrate Protein Structure and Function
Shane Austin
Introducing Community Ecology and Data Skills with the Bean Beetle Microbiome Project
Lawrence Blumer & Christopher Beck
What Neanderthal Traits Do You Possess?
Jill E. Callahan & Kathleen A. Nolan
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Using Allele-specific Primer PCR to Determine Human ABO Blood-type Genotypes
Eric S. Calhoun, Patrick Jungling, Kali B. Prillwicz, Irfan Khan, Senan Susan, Jason Papciak, & Michael P. Martin
Strategies for Leading Weekly Teaching Assistant Meetings: Undergraduate Student Perceptions after Implementing Pedagogical Change
Audrey Chen
Digital Badges to Increase TA Training and Recognition
Megan F. Cole
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Using Improv to Help Undergrads Communicate Science to Children
Julie Collins
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Experimental Design using India Ink to Study the Effects of Phagocytosis in Tetrahymena?
Hélène d’Entremont & Juan C. López Gutiérrez
Enhanced Understanding of Triacylglyceride Digestion and Saponification using Physical and Computer Modeling
Daniel B. Fried
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Redesigning Traditional Labs as Enriched Learning Environments
Winona Gadapati
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
The Hunt for MRSA and ESBLs: An Examination of Pathogenic Bacteria on a University Campus
Tara Halterman, Kaylee Brown, & Sarah E. Ruffell
Using Swirl to make TRUBLE (Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology Less Excruciating)
Rachel N. Hartnett
[Abstract][extended abstract][Supplemental Materials]
Closing the Gaps – Introducing Focused In-class Activities to Improve Student Learning
Jean Heitz, Jon Breschak, Julie Collins, Beka Young, & David Abbott
[Abstract][extended abstract]
Using Biointeractive Spreadsheet Data Analysis Tutorials to Teach Inquiry Lab Skills
Angela Hodgson
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Reaction Time Significance: Dropping Metersticks, the Stroop Effect & Implicit Bias Tests
Laurel L. Hester
The Equity and Efficacy of Antibiotics Altered by Food Consumption
Jillian Huff, Tiara Hood, Quincey Lambert, Melanie Shipe, & Sarah E. Ruffell
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating Professional Development Initiatives for Graduate?Teaching Assistants Facilitating Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)
Amie Kern, David Esparza, Amy Kulesza, Corrie Pieterson, Seema Rivera, & Jeffrey T. Olimpo
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Unzipping Your Genes: A Fashionable Tutorial in Gene Expression
Kristina Lackey, Barbara Waring, Tori Tucker, & Debra Mauzy-Melitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Demonstrating the Spread of Bacterial Infection within a Hospital Setting through Simulations and Role-play
Hannah Lathrop, Lindsey Hull, Lexi Green, Susan Wright, & Sarah E. Ruffell
Biodiversity Stampede: An Examination of Diversity through the Study of Postage Stamps
Yasmine Lotfi, Jillian Huff, Mary Mulcahy, & Sarah E. Ruffell
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
An Apple a Day: A Novel Way to Introduce Students to the Scientific Method
Debra Mauzy-Melitz & Oren Wellner
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
A Simple, Quantitative Peroxidase Assay Demonstrating Enzyme Inhibition with L-cysteine
Michael Mitsch & Bryan White
Lab Notebooks: Efficient Grading and Effective Learning
Jonathan E. Moore & Theresa W. Lynn
What’s Under your Feet? Analysis of Leaf Litter Invertebrate Diversity Using an Updated On-line Key
Vanessa Muilenburg & Lori Hertel
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
An Integrated & Inquiry-based Approach to Exploring Plant Metabolism
John S. Peters
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Burning Issues: A Case-based Approach to Integrating a Multitude of Ecological & Conservation Biology Concepts
John S. Peters
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Fish Two Ways:? An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Biodiversity
Robyn A. Puffenbarger & Kimberly J. Bolyard
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Identifying Freshwater Zooplankton Using DNA Barcoding Technique
Jie Ren
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
The Glycolysis Puzzle: From Glucose to Pyruvate and Everything in Between
Alma Rodriguez Estrada
Going Back to Show and Tell: Using your Research to Engage Undergraduates
Alexa Roemmich, Lorrayne Serra, & Debra Mauzy-Melitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Dazed and Diffused: A hands-on approach to understanding diffusion in biology
Adam Stabell, Nicholas Roussel, Eric Tarapore, & Debra Mauzy-Melitz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Evolution of Algae: Using Algae as an Art Medium to Discuss Morphology and Evolution
Susan Wright, Dejuanna Chan, Mckenzie Riggleman, Katelyn McConaghay, Alyssa Burdick, Lyndsey Niegowski, McKenzie Bahl, & Sarah E. Ruffell
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Explaining the Scientific Method to First Year Biology Students in an Accessible Manner
Charlotte de Araujo, Nicole Pereira, Karen J. Puddephatt, Lynda H. McCarthy, & Andrew E. Laursen
Introducing Fundamental Microscopy Skills in a “Stage Wise” Manner to First Year Biology Students
Charlotte de Araujo, Karen J. Puddephatt, Gavin Ridgeway, Lynda H. McCarthy & Andrew E. Laursen
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience in a Senior Cell & Molecular Biology Laboratory Course
Laura L. Atkinson
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Is Mutation a Creative or Destructive Force in Evolution?
William Beachly
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Service Learning in the Sciences: Student Perception Before and After Working with a Community Partner
Michael S. Berger
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
CRISPR Plants: A Course Based Undergraduate Research Experience
Dawn Carter
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Benefits of the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Experience in an Introductory Biology Laboratory Course and other STEM Courses
Frank R. Castelli, Mitra Asgari, & Mark A. Sarvary
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Three Low Key, But High Impact, Teaching Techniques?for Undergraduate Biology Labs
Lydia Chiasson
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Assessment of Scientific Reasoning Skills Learned from Lab Modules with Varying Degrees of Inquiry
Aaron Coleman, Sahil Khan, & Goran Bozinovic
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Educational Modules of Skeletal Muscle Anatomy and Function with Models and Active Data Gathering Related to Muscular Dystrophy
Robin L. Cooper, Rebecca M. Krall, Michael P. Schultz, Ann S. O’Neil, & Esther E. Dupont-Versteegden
Understanding How the Nephron Concentrates Urea in Urine: An Experimental Approach Using Dialysis Bags
Lisa M. Danish
CUREing Exposure to Environmental Chemicals from Personal Care Products
Erika Doctor, Melissa Lehman, & Cassandra S. Korte
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Characterization of Student and Instructor Behaviors in CURE and Non-CURE Learning Environments: Implications for Non-Cognitive Student Outcomes
David Esparza, Amy E. Wagler, & Jeffrey T. Olimpo
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Smelling Good Enough to Kill! Plant Essential Oils and their Insecticidal Activity
Fardad Firooznia, Maryam Said, Gavin Balkaran, & Jhunior Morillo
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Exploring the High Plains: Biodiversity, Geology, and Cultural Heritage through an Interdisciplinary Experiential Learning Experience for Honors Students
William Glider, Leilani Arthurs, & Jon Garbisch
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Beyond Dissection: Modifying a Traditional Crayfish Dissection Lab to Teach Hypothesis Testing, Data Analysis, and Scientific Writing
Jessica L. Goldstein
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Infusing Critical Conversations about Cultural Awareness, Identity, and Mental Health into a Research-Intensive Program for Hispanic/Latinx Undergraduates in STEM
Aimee Hernandez, Karina C. Canaba, Laura A. Diaz-Martinez, & Jeffrey T. Olimpo
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Health Disparities in the Border Region: A Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) with Concomitant Civic Engagement Education
Aimee Hernandez & Jeffrey T. Olimpo
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Engaging Students in Experiential Learning: Texas Integrated Diving and Ecological Studies (TIDES) Laboratory
Stephanie A. Lockwood, Shannon Hill, & Stephanie Randell
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Using Case Histories to Teach Parasitology Labs
Tamila L. McMullan & Heather Coatsworth
The Use of C-Ferns to Study Plasmolysis and Stomata Number
Kathleen A. Nolan, Jia Ci Deng, Joshlyn Mensah, Jill E. Callahan, & Brandy Garrett-Kluthe
Photomorphogenesis of Plants
Kathleen A. Nolan, Jia Ci Deng, Victoria Habbchy, & Ameer Rum
Developing Algebraic and Geometric Understanding of Stereology in Biological and Astronomy Contexts
Ann O’Neil, Rebecca M. Krall, Maddie Sanden, & Robin L. Cooper
Examining the efficacy of peer feedback as part of the writing process in an introductory biology course
Laurie Pacarynuk & Jennifer Burke
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
A Teaching Toolbox to Understanding Urban Wetlands
Susan Purdy
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
CRISPR-Cas9 in the Undergraduate Lab: a Short Implementation
Maria S. Santisteban
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Engineering Analysis of Design of Mammalian and Avian Femurs
Joan Sharp
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
STEM & Health: Stressors on the Circulatory System
Catherine Stanley, Rebecca M. Krall, Kim Zeidler-Watter, Diane Johnson, Rachel R. Blackwell, & Robin L. Cooper
The Wild Yeasts Biodiversity Project
Sarah R. Stockwell
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Stonefly Larvae Push-ups: A Behavioral Ecology Lab Exercise
Brian Swisher
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
The Close-Call in Microbiology Labs – Understanding Microbes
Seema G. Thomas, Maryah A. Glover, Anutthaman Parthasarathy, & André O’Hudson
Connecting Genotypes and Phenotypes using Transformed Bacteria in a Wet-Lab Setting
Brooke Trabona & Mindy Brooks
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
An Online Introductory Biology Syllabus for Transformative Learning
Mark E. Walvoord
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Examining Wax Chemistry through Encaustics
Susan Wright, David Soriano, Richard Shires, & Sarah E. Ruffell
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Special Presentation
Prioritizing Self-Care A Facilitated Discussion
Pamela L. Connerly
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Karen McMahon
Associate Editors
Shane Austin, Michèle Barmoy, Ellen Batchelder, Emily Boone, Pamela Connerly, Debra Grantham, Dianne Jennings, Juan Carlos López, Catarina Mata, Judy Moore, Jon Moore, Vanessa Muilenburg, Kathleen A. Nolan, Melissa Roach, Lori Rose, Suzanne Thuecks, Kathy Winnett-Murray
Production Editor
Megan Cole
Technical Editors
Chris Beck, Mark Walvoord