Advances in Biology Laboratory Education – Volume 42
Editors: Emily Boone & Suzanne Thuecks
Major Workshops
Bringing an Online Lab to Life
Elizabeth L. Cantwell, Danny C. LeBert, and Brian W. Lipscomb
Effects on Human Heart & Breathing Rates by Face Mask-Wearing, During Short Periods of Exercise
James Casey and Jessica Goldstein
Developing Laboratory Skills Digital Badges
Megan Cole, Angela Seliga, and Mark Walvoord
Agents of Evolution
Sarah Deel
CUREing Exposure to Environmental Chemicals from Personal Care Products
Erika L. Doctor and Cassandra S. Korte
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Don’t Drink and Fly: Alcohol Resistance Behavior in Drosophila Informs Us About Genes That Contribute to Alcoholism
Jennifer S. Echeverria and S. Catherine Silver Key
Integrating GPS Technology and Gaming as Tools for Improving Spatial Intelligence
Trina Halfhide, Luke Rostant, and Georgette Briggs
BioBits® Antibiotic Resistance Lab: Visualizing How Antibiotics Work and Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance
Ally Huang, Jessica C. Stark, Bruce C. Bryan, and Allison M. Nishitani
Introductory Cell Biology in a Pandemic – Adaptations for Remote Laboratory Delivery
Andy J. Hudson, Laurie Pacarynuk, Ashley Curtis, and Tegan N. Barry
A Six Elements Method for Teaching Scientific Writing at Scale
A. Daniel Johnson
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Development of an Inquiry-based Laboratory Lesson Focusing on the Usage and Benefits of Rain Gardens
Jacquelyn Lomino and Brian M. Forster
Measuring Evolution: Peppered Moths
Randi L. Mewhort and Doug Mewhort
Simulating Parasite Transmission and Epidemics Using Contact Networks
Karena H. Nguyen, Evelyn C. Rynkiewicz, and David J. Civitello
Using Software Programs, SDM-Assist and SnapGene, to Maximize Learning Benefits of Performing Site Directed Mutagenesis while Minimizing Logistical Challenges
Jason O’Donnell
From Statistics to Ecological Analyses: An Application of the New York City East River Ichthyology Database (ERID) Using Spreadsheets
Peter J. Park, Devin M. Gorsen, Christopher D. Girgenti, Isa G. Del Bello, Christina M. Tobitsch, Jacqueline R. Wu, and Andrew J. Hong
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Leveraging Computational Modeling as a Tool to Understand Cellular Respiration in Introductory Biology and Beyond
Ehren Whigham and Tomas Helikar
Food Fights and Avian Interactions: Investigating Dominance Hierarchies at Bird Feeders
Kathy Winnett-Murray and Lori Hertel
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Mini Workshops
Using a Semester Long Theme to Build Connections of Big Concepts
Gemma B. Bartha
Teaching the Bean Beetle Microbiome CURE in an Online Format
Lawrence S. Blumer, Anna J. Zelaya, Christopher W. Beck, Nicole M. Gerardo and Sinead N. Younge
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Incorporating digitized natural history collections data into virtual ecology and evolution course-based research experiences
Cecily D. Bronson, Carly N. Jordan, and Janice L. Krumm
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Using Molecular Tools to Identify Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Environmental DNA (eDNA)
Bruce Bryan
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Topic Outlines, a tool to focus report writing
Lucy Burns, Milagros Sanchez, Manuelle Beaudry-Sylvestre, Andrea Gigeroff, Hilary Mann, Raphaël McDonald, and Lara Gibson
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Illustrated Protocols to Improve Undergraduate Student Research Independence
Hannah E. Campbell, Ryan Steger, Jennifer O. Liang, Jenean H. O’Brien
Virtual Labs: Exploring New Boundaries in Teaching Biology
Chris Conner
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Incorporating Mindfulness Practices in Biology Courses
Pamela L. Connerly
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Integrating the use of RStudio in Field Based Courses: Creating Human Survivorship Curves
Allyson Degrassi
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
A Kinesthetic Approach to Exploring the Levels of Protein Structure
Lisa M. Flick
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Supplemental Materials]
The Power of Seeing the Whole Picture: A Preregistration Style Approach in a Remote Introductory Lab
Claire Fournier and Michael O’Donnell
Unlikely Sister Taxa – a Tree Drawing Activity That Facilitates Students’ Understanding of Analogous and Homologous Structures
Malin J Hansen
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Proportions, not numbers – a computer simulation that facilitates students’ understanding of natural selection
Malin J Hansen
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
BeanBeetleMicrobiome app: an online app for community analysis of microbiome data
Carolyne Huang, Anna J. Zelaya, Lawrence S. Blumer, Nicole M. Gerardo and Christopher W. Beck
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
Learning How to Code With Open Access Neurobiology Datasets
Ashley Juavinett
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words: Using Pictorial Expression Data in Bioinformatics Assignments
Jennifer Klenz
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Using Spreadsheets to Generate Unique Data Sets for Student Homework Assignments
Hans D. Lemke
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials]
The Use of Databases to Support Undergraduate Research Experiences
David Mindorff
Demystifying Concept Mapping: Applications in Teaching Lab and Lecture of Introductory Biology and Anatomy and Physiology
Peter J. Park and K. Emma Emanuel
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Supplemental Materials]
Understanding the Microbiome through Personalized Learning
Sarah E Ruffell, Anithra R. Selvakumar, and Samantha Ruffell
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Development of a classroom size nephron model and urinalysis experiment
Aelin G. Shea, Matthew D. Nelson, Louis D’Angelo, Gabrielle Mikalonis, and Brian M. Forster
An active learning approach to teach aspects of human dietary health using fruit flies as a model
Brittany L. Slabach and Robin L. Cooper
Achieving Course Learning Objectives Through Online Labs
Justin St. Juliana
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Designing Break-out Room Activities or Individual Modules Linked to Learning Management System Platforms: Using Google Forms in Synchronous or Asynchronous Biology Courses
Joanna Vondrasek
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Free and Easy Livestreaming on the Same Screen as Your PowerPoint: Let OBS Turn You Into a Weather Person on Any Virtual Instruction Platform
Bryan White
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Teaching through storytelling: using TED-Ed lessons for science communication
Carly Anne York and Michael R. Stiff
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Panel Discussions
Using Synchronous Labs to Build Online Peer Learning Communities and Maintain a Meaningful Laboratory Experience
Debra Grantham, Debbie Fiore, Linda Forrester and Elizabeth Welsh
Alternative Assessments for Online Teaching That Are Bulletproof (Cheat-resistant)
Jennifer Klenz, Celeste Leander, and Lisa McDonnell
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
The New Principles of Biology: Access and Inclusion in the Science Lab
Hannah Lavendier, Julia Clifton, Mark Mort, and Laura Rozzi
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Connecting and Supporting TAs online: During the Pandemic and Moving Forward
Deborah Lichti, Nancy Abney, Frank R. Castelli, Katie Coscia, Amy Kulesza and Jordan Mohr
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Active Learning in an Online Environment
Jonathan Moore, Katy Muzikar, Sarah Salm, and Jessica Goldstein
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Hands-on Lab Activities at Home
Alma E. Rodriguez Estrada, Michelle L. Korir, Kaspar A. Schwarzenbach, Natalia B. Hubbs
[Abstract][Extended Abstract]
Semester-long Projects
Katherine A. Sharp, Robin Cooper, Dawn Carter
Exploring the Benefits of Online Labs for On-Campus Teaching
Jennifer Van Dommelen, Martin Hicks, Kathleen Nolan, Donna Pattison, and Ethell Vereen
Bridging optogenetics, metabolism, and animal behavior for student-driven inquiry
Tawny Aguayo-Williams, Vaaragie Subramaniam, Doug Harrison, Robin L. Cooper, and Brett Criswell
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials] [Poster]
Authentic Curriculum Undergraduate Research Experimentation to Learn About the Effects of Septicemia on Cardiac Function: Frog and Larval Drosophila Models
Jate Bernard, Melody Danley, Rebecca M. Krall, Katherine A. Sharp, and Robin L. Cooper
Increasing Scientific Literacy Through Hands-on Laboratory Work Guided by Journal Club Discussions
Nitya Bhaskaran, Rosie Albarran-Zeckler, and Dawn Eastmond
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Tools for Online Transition of Core Science Labs
Mandy Biggers and Shazia Ahmed
Revisiting Mendel: use of a Behavioral Assay to Examine Inheritance of Traits in Drosophila
Jeffrey M. Chalfant, Robin L. Cooper, Tawny Aguayo-Williams, Lexie Holtzclaw, Madison Loveless, Jennifer Wilson, and Doug Harrison
Student Perception of Upper Year Online Labs
Liane Chen, Maryam Moussavi and Erica Jeffery
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Assessment of Nursing Student Learning Outcomes in Traditional and Online Modalities for a Microbiology Laboratory Course
Cole Davidson and Karin Hodge
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials] [Poster]
Do It Yourself (DIY) Seed Kits to Evaluate the Effects of Fertilizer on Plant Growth Rates
Charlotte de Araujo and Patricia A. Wright
An Experiential Learning Experience: Biological and Cultural Aspects of the Georgia Coastal Plain “–and the Beach”
William Glider, Joe Garbisch and Grace McManaman
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Forensics for the Body Farm: Preferences for the Medicinal Blow Fly (Phaenicia sericata) and Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
Oscar Istas, Abigail Greenhalgh, Erin E. Richard, Jate Bernard, Rebecca Krall, Tawny Aguayo, and Robin L. Cooper
[Abstract][Article][Supplemental Materials] [Poster]
Teach it to Children: Placemat Posters
Jennifer Klenz and Brett Couch
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Utilizing Web Soil Survey for Delineating Soils, Surveying and Land Usage
John Kluthe, Christina Mortellaro, and Brandy Garrett Kluthe
Special Place Assignments: Connecting Ecological Concepts to Each Student?s Unique Locale Through Scaffolded Portfolio Assignments
Anne McIntosh and Jody Rintoul
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Design, Characterization, and Usage of Fluorescent-DHFR as a Visual Biochemistry Lab Teaching Tool to Enhance Learning
Dana Morrone, Junyun Park, Jeri Obeng, Peter Spezia and Jonathan Huang
[Abstract][Published Abstract]
Improving Scientific Writing
Maryam Moussavi and Natasha Pestonji-Dixon
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Temperature Dependence of the Passive Effects of K+ on Membrane Potential of Skeletal Muscle as an Educational Module
Janki Naidugari, Dara Buendia Castillo, Mohammad Abou El-Ezz, Cameron Brown, Tom Calderaro, Cameron Evans, Trey Grant, Rachel Hazelett, Cassity High, Tessa Ilagan, Jack Klier, Nicole Marguerite, Felicia Marino, Shelby McCubbin, Nicholas Meredith, Blair Nethery, William Russell, Noah Sommers, Esther E. Dupont Versteegden, Rebecca Krall, Katherine Sharp, Jeffrey Chalfant, Mia Brown, and Robin L. Cooper
Radiolaria Cell Measurement Lab
Kathleen A. Nolan and Allen J. Burdowski
What do Animal Physiology Students Learn From a CURE Investigating the Effects of Septicemia on Cardiac Function: Frog and Larval Drosophila Models
Katherine A. Sharp, Rebecca M. Krall, Robin L. Cooper, Melody Danley, Jate Barnard
Challenges and Lessons Learned Implementing Online Labs During the Transition from Traditional to Online Delivery of a Large-Enrollment Introductory Biology Lab Course
Monica Torres
[Abstract][Published Abstract][Poster]
Analysis of student engagement and learning using real-time assessment strategies in a remote Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory course
Lorie Woodson, EdD
[Abstract][Extended Abstract][Poster]
Emily Boone & Suzanne Thuecks
Associate Editors
Michèle Barmoy, Audrey Ettinger, Debra Grantham, Juan Carlos López, Judy Moore, Jon Moore, Kathleen A. Nolan, Melissa Roach, & Kathy Winnett-Murray
Production Editor
Megan Cole
Technical Editors
Chris Beck & Mark Walvoord