Your Hosts
ABLE 2007: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY June 5-9. Host: Ruth Beattie
Anna Wilson and Sue Karcher
Anna Wilson has been the Teaching Laboratory Coordinator for the Department of Biochemistry since 1975. She has developed experiments for all the lab courses taught in the department including the undergraduate non-majors course and the Biochemistry Majors course. Anna has been an active member of ABLE since its organization in 1979. She has held the offices of President, Secretary, Membership Chair and is currently the Archivist.
Sue Karcher teaches BIOL 542, an upper-level laboratory course, which she designed. By using a project-oriented approach in the class, she gives students the opportunity to learn a wide variety of current laboratory methods. She also teaches BIOL 242, Genetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory, in which students perform experiments including genetic crosses in Drosophila , recombinant DNA cloning, and polymerase chain reaction. Sue directs an NSF-funded Curriculum Development project to introduce transgenic plants in undergraduate laboratories. This education system, called Blue Plants, was selected as one of ten systems nationwide to be developed for undergraduate research in the Curriculum for Undergraduate Research and NSF-sponsored Research Link 2000 program. Outside of the classroom, she is an active member of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), an organization that presents workshops of outstanding biology laboratory exercises to promote education in this area. Within the organization Sue has served in several capacities, including editor of the annual proceedings volume, and is currently Chair of the Workshop Selection Committee for Annual Workshops. In addition, she serves as Editor of the Journal Watch feature of Bios, the quarterly publication of the biology honor society, Beta Beta Beta, and is a member of Project Kaleidoscope's Faculty of the 21st century.