Inside this issue:
Letter from the editor
Barbara Stegenga, Labstracts editor
ABLE News & Notes
ABLE-bodied employees • Make a
contribution to Labstracts • Upcoming meetings
ABLE Calendar of Events
Cardiac Fringe!
Submitted by Starr Eaddy
How to Live Life like a Lobster
Submitted by Kathy Nolan
Dynamically Proceed with Labs!
Submitted by Mark Walvoord
New Tool in the ABLE Publicity Tool Kit
Submitted by Larry Blumer
ABLE Board Reports
President's Report
Ruth Beattie, President
General Business Meeting Minutes
Judy Guinan, Secretary
Treasurer's Report
Alec Motten, Treasurer
Welcome to Labstracts (the online newsletter for ABLE)!
This newsletter includes information about past and future
ABLE meetings and dates of other related conferences. Labstracts informs you of what ABLE members experience and take away from ABLE meetings - particularily the workshops. Labstracts also includes reports from board members and wonderful articles that cover anything from TA training to tested laboratory exercises to ABLE field trips. Think about joining ABLE and presenting one of your labs that you are excited about. We would love to have you join us!
Many thanks to those of you who wrote articles for this issue. Articles for future submission can be sent to me
Please enjoy!
Barbara Stegenga

Buttercups on Prince Edward Island
Come to Las Cruces, New Mexico, June 14-17 for ABLE 2011 !

ABLE 2010 Photos

Peggy's Cove Hermit Crabs
ABLE 2011 -- A Look Ahead
The 2011
annual meeting will be June 14-17 at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico.

workshops: Have an idea for a major workshop presentation at our 2011 conference?
Hurry! The application deadline is October 31, 2010!
workshops: Thinking of presenting a mini workshop at our 2011 conference?
The application deadline is March 1, 2011!
**One presenter per mini will receive a $50 honorarium after the conference!**
Posters: Would you prefer to present a poster? You can do that
too! Applications are due April 1, 2011.
registration waivers are available to qualified applicants!
The deadline is in mid-March.