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Winter 2005




President's Report

Carol Budd, ABLE President
St. Lawrence University

It is hard to believe that we have entered a new year, much less that this is my last report to the membership as ABLE President. The time has flown. Many tasks keep us busy and much is in need of reporting.

Most importantly, a multi-year effort to convert our Proceedings volumes to digital format has taken major strides. At this time, chapters from volumes 5-25 are in digital format and available from the ABLE web page. Volumes 1-4 need to be scanned prior to our sharing. This was a tedious task supervised unrelentingly by Corey Goldman, University of Toronto, and webmaster for ABLE. Many thanks.

Maggie Haag, University of Alberta, has ably taken on the membership task from Rudi Berkelhamer, UC Irvine, who recently assumed an administrative role as part of her career. The brochure has been updated as have other web references to this important task. If you have any concerns, please make note of them to Maggie as she has been a past president and knows the organization intimately.

It is time once again for the passing of the Proceedings mailings torch. Francis Kennedy, North Georgia College, retired in July and will continue to mail proceedings until March. At that time, she will send the remaining volumes to yours truly, who will distribute them until a volunteer for this incredibly important task steps up. If you enjoy the satisfaction of a COMPLETED TASK ON A MONTHLY BASIS, THIS IS A TASK FOR YOU. The job is done and you can turn your attentions elsewhere. From my experience, it doesn’t take all that much time and it is a service to ABLE. If you are at all interested, please contact me.

Bill Glider, University of Nebraska, will be assuming the wheel of the ABLE ship this year after our meeting at Virginia Tech. He is just finishing up his term as Member-at-Large, and has invested many years in ABLE. Please join me in welcoming him as incoming president at Virginia Tech.

Make sure you put the dates June 21-24 in your calendar as the agenda for majors this year is robust. The majors committee (Sue Karcher, Purdue, and Anne Cordon, University of Toronto, Mississauga) has been right on target in previewing and accepting major workshops for your benefit. The Minis Committee (Katherine Teare-Ketter, University of Georgia, Ralph Preszler, University of New Mexico, and Tom Fogle, Saint Mary’s College) is in the middle of previewing their selections, so get your application in soon before their roster is full. Make sure you look at the Poster application if you do not feel that a mini will do justice to what you want to share.

Bob Hodson, University of Delaware and ABLE secretary, is prodding me via e-mail to consider preparing the Agenda for our upcoming Virginia Tech conference. Mary Schaeffer, Virginia Tech host, is preparing the conference information and it will be available shortly or at the time of this Labstracts publication. Mariëlle Hoefnagels, Labstracts editor, is a diligent and productive editor. Many thanks to her for all of her efforts on my behalf.

There are many benefits to participation in this organization. If I have not named you explicitly above, include your name as part of the membership list of folks I need to thank. It has been a productive and valuable experience. Thank you for your trust.


Carol Budd