Hopefully most of you have been able to dig yourself out of the snow this winter, or like us in North Carolina, enjoy the one real snowfall the day after Christmas and then deal with the many make up school days! We are finally seeing the first signs of spring - warmer weather (in the 60's) and students wearing shorts and flip flops. Springtime means getting ready for new things such as a new lab manual, new courses, new coat of paint in the labs and a new place to go for the next ABLE conference!
You can find out more information about the upcoming ABLE conference and others in this issue of Labstracts in addition to other important facts about ABLE. You can read articles from members, the past meeting minutes, board reports, election results and look at photos from past ABLE conferences right here! Check out more about ABLE by going to http://www.ableweb.org.
The 2011 conference will be held at New Mexico State University, in Las Cruces, New Mexico! The deadline has passed for presenting a major workshop at the conference, however, you can still apply to present a mini workshop or a poster. More information about the mini workshops and posters is available on the first page of this newsletter. For those of you who have never come to an ABLE conference, consider coming to Las Cruces, New Mexico! You'll enjoy meeting people from all over and come home with all kinds of ideas to improve your labs.
If you have any interesting news or would like to write about your experiences at an ABLE conference, please feel free to write an article for Labstracts at anytime! Just send it to me at bstegenga@bio.unc.edu .
Have a great spring semester!
Barbara Stegenga
Labstracts editor

Fun in the one time snow fall!