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Schedule for ABLE 2006


ABLE 2007: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY June 5-9. Host: Ruth Beattie E-mail:


Able 2006 able

Major Workshops

Wednesday June 7

Saphida Migabo, University of Northern British Columbia and Judy Guinan, Radford University
An Investigative Look at the Biology of Invertebrates

Many undergraduate laboratories on invertebrate biology focus on a number of specimens across a broad spectrum of phyla. Frequently these traditional approaches to invertebrate biology consist of having students examine a large number of preserved specimens, and may include a dissection or two. Aside from the dissections, students in these labs are only passively involved with the material and frequently view the experience as an exercise in memorization. Here we introduce an investigative alternative to the more traditional approach. Student groups in this two part exercise each focus on a living representative of a phylum in the first week of the lab. They pose questions about the biology and behavior of the animal, and develop and test hypotheses to answer them. They then conduct independent library research and prepare presentations about their phylum to the other students during a subsequent laboratory period. In this way, students learn from each other about the phyla covered in the exercise, and gain experience with hypothesis development and testing, data collection, library research, and the presentation of experimental results.
