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Schedule for ABLE 2006


ABLE 2007: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY June 5-9. Host: Ruth Beattie E-mail:


Able 2006 able

Mini Workshop

Friday June 9

Caldwell, Jane and Kristi Teagarden
Adapting Laboratory Curricula for Blind Students and Others with Disabilities   

In the past year at WVU we have adapted our General Biology lab exercises for several blind students enrolled in our lab courses.  From microscopic observations of cells to analysis of colorimetric results, most standard lab exercises have a strong visual orientation.  Some processes like mitosis are explained mainly through diagrams, and are difficult to understand from a verbal description alone.  To address this problem we developed tactile models so blind students can make their own observations, trained “seeing-eye student” assistants, and developed Braille-labeled “manipulatives” to guide visually-impaired students through standard biology exercises.  We’ll show you what we’ve done, followed by discussion to exchange creative ideas for accommodating students with various disabilities, describe problems we’ve encountered (and perhaps solved), and hear about what instructors have done at other schools. 
